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About StayinThailand2much

  • Birthday 06/09/1900

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  1. 1997 Financial Crisis?? Still? More like the aftermath of the China-produced Covid pandemic thanks to their best buddies further up north...
  2. They couldn't care less about spouses of Thai citizens. IMHO, the focus has always been on the short-term tourists, i.e. those staying for up to 60 days.
  3. Correct, as the '60 days' scheme is announced as "temporary", and 'visas tailored for digital nomads' (e.g. Destination Thailand Visa) having application conditions that are as clear as mud...
  4. The above mentioned seems to be a new visa (in the pipeline). The only requirements for an application that I could find, are: 1. be at least 20 yrs. old 2. part with 10,000 baht for the fee, and 3. "(...) must present proof of funds of at least THB 500,000 throughout their stay in Thailand." Is this for real, and how is the 'proof of funds throughout their stay' even possible, unless they require you to actually extend this at an Immigration office once, or more often?
  5. Thank you for the sound advice. However, living in a different part of the world, then having to travel thousands of miles to one's home country just for a visa application is just °^ו`
  6. What a moron. What did they do? I found Cambodian officials always courteous and helpful.
  7. Please advise of a location in the region where I can apply for one. (I'm living in SE Asia, but are not a local citizen.)
  8. Not having followed the news as much recently, is this limited in time, say for a year, or meant for a longer time?
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