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Posts posted by Samuian

  1. "Up to her"

    Exactly, disgrace or not, unless it's ill gotten, people who have loads of money aren't forbidden to enter monkhood or become a nun!

    The obsession handling bundles of money and toting expensive high class brand name articles... is a different thing, let's think she want's to shed this, whilst becoming a nun! ;-)

  2. I like the comment about the crackdown: "It's all just window dressing!" and yes, it will be business as usual, no way that this will ever disappear from the surface of the earth, no matter where!

    And yes, rihanna is right about protected species abuse, but where on earth does she live as a "honorary Ambassador for Culture and Youth in Barbados Additionally and a dominating figure in social media and internet streaming, ranking at number one on Forbes' list of Social Networking Superstars."

    Maybe, just maybe she should get out of the "golden temple of super stardom" and have a good look at the real world, I could take her on a sightseeing tour across asia she would never forget, probably traumatize her for the rest of her super stardom life!

    How about a fund for "freedom villages" spread all over asia, africa, south america, north america, europe, the caribbien etc., for traumatized women having to make a living this way?

    How about getting real Ms. Ambassador?

    I have a faint idea of how many actually chose to go into this kind of entertaining business and how many are actually "forced"... anyone, experts in this field?

    So many stories and books been written about this and yes, Thailand, the Authorities should just face the fact and take the label "illegal" off it, declare sexwork an official trade and that's it, much ofthe "illegal actvities, the crime surrounding this because of being"illegal" would blow off, besides we are in the 21st century and neither in kindergarden!

  3. licklips.gif

    tough life though..

    however straight from the can they aren't too tasty, marinante 'em, especially the black ones... rinse with hot water, 2-3 x, then let sit for "a while", discard water, add fresh warm water and lime juice.. let rest again... then may be after 30 min. (or so) discard lime juice water, add some garlic (to taste, from the press or crushed), some x-tra virgin olive oil, a drizzle of lime juice, if liked, some mediterranean herbs, tupper ware container or similiar to keep for at least 24 hrs.


    • Like 1
  4. ive only been to chiang Dao but it was awesome. It's like being in lord of the rings or something. a guide leads you aorund the caves with just a gas lantern.

    I found the guide banging the stalactites - 'n mites with some wooden club, quite disturbing, as already much damage can be seen!

    But yes, very enchanting experience!

  5. Some of the comments here are beyond belief.Want to see what reaction you will have if you loose someone from an accident , by someone driving the wrong way.

    If someone jumps of a bridge you don't have to follow suit just because they did. True about most people leave their brains in neutral when they get here.

    Nothin' to do with "brains", it's just simple common sense - free style! Got to have a real bad day to "lose some one" in an traffic accident on the one way road in lamai beach, if so, "som nam naa"!

    I on my behalf prefer to live in a relative free and relaxed environment then in the neurotic overcontrolled so called "civilised world", where on everycorner, on every move a ticket or overclocked coppa's are waylaying to devour you!

    Hell no!

    Thanks to the "little differences" down here!

    And yeah, well it's up to each and everyon eto either enjoy or complain, complain, complain and see a fault in every thing - how do they say here?

    "Up to you!"

  6. The tourist industry was clamouring for a repeat of free tourist visas but nothing happened. Could be that the Cabinet has other priorities.

    25 billion US$ (750 bill. ThB)... as a result of the flooding, who cares about the pennies tourist, the trouble makers may or may not bring in?

    One may have no doubts, someone, somewhere impressed by the results, may indeed reflect deeply about, how easy it was to make this money flow and how to repeat it, with such little or maybe no effort at all!

    After all it's TiT!

  7. Get real, why is it the farangs complaining about something which isn't any of their piece of the pie.... get real!

    Anyone advocating the neurotic behavoir of the western "civilisation" - GO BACK THERE NOW and NEVER RETURN, nobody asked or forces you to stay here in this "uncontrolled mess"!

    Things are just fine, it works, all over asia, africa in most countires of central and southern america and in the southern european states as well - as long as everyone takes care of himself and adjusts to the requirements of any given situation - it's fine - go easy!

    The only thing it take is - pulling back ones ego a wee bit - which certainly doesn't hurt, but makes things a bit more nice and has a good chance to enhance quality of life by a nick or two!

    think about it!

    (edited to add text..)

    • Like 1
  8. So far so good, whats all the huffin' 'n puffin' about, if I may ask, just about an abondoned take off, after all ONLY for the pessengers safety?

    Maybe, maybe there was a late detected malfunction, a screaming warning sound, lamp, indicator, somethin', luckily its still up to the pilot to abandon take off on what ever reason and to do so, he/she must have a dam_n good reason.... all else is just like shouting in a cotton bag!

  9. Both Samui and Puket have undoubtedly certain drawbacks, but still offer places, off the beaten track, where one can find serenety and natural environment and locals not infected (yet) with the "sheikh yer beauty" or "get rich quickly" virus.

    It depends very much on the traveller him/her self, what to chose, where to go/stay, there is accomodation for as lttle as 100 US$ per month, but as in down under it is common knowledge that one gets what he/she pays for.

    Same with food, same, same, same... everywhere, all around the planet!

    Tip: "Check out Ko Phangan, ther are some very nice places, but certainly NOT Haad Rin Beach" if you're not keen for the party of the century, including all the setbacks, garbage, noise, people and around party time soaring high prices, do NOT even consider to go there, but the north east, north and west coasts have plenty of choices to offer as well as other locations then Puket along the Andamansea coastline!

  10. I am very sorry to bust that bubble; but the nations currently in trouble in Europe won't be allowed to return to their previous currencies. Simply because this would mean the end of the Euro and very likely the EU with it; all the Euro skeptics will be proven right (they have been claiming this would happen from the get go) and the EU and Euro will loose whatever meager support they still enjoy at the moment.

    And the end of the EU and Euro would mean a major set back for the globalist NWO movement (as they have been planning the EU and Euro for more then 50 years now). A far more likely scenario (one which is actually unfolding right before our eyes) is that the entire EU will suffer for a long time to come where bailout after bailout (consisting of tax payer money) will be needed to for the troubled nations to make their interest payments to the banks and other institutions. And while the big corporations will enjoy the the fire sale of anything worth selling from Greece (and likely Portugal and Ireland to follow), the standard of living across the entire EU will be drastically reduced.

    Get your gold now.... biggrin.gif

    well, well, well ... it's about getting first the financial grip and with thtis much needed leverage and the next step woul be the neutralization of local governments to create a "US of E" with one central government in brussels and strong commerce lobby!

    Mr.Ackermann CEO of DB just held a speech wich was pointing exactly in this direction!

    And until there is no proper leverage, the citizens of every nation of the EU would protest to secure the rights they're used to, nobody would trust a "foreign" government, that's the real problem behind it all!

    That and few more reasons are the base why a "US of E" will never work, at least not in the near future!

    Paul Krugman wrote an interesting detailed article about this problem comparing the EU with the US...!

  11. I use both SCB and Bangkok Bank. As far as transactions they both seem to be equal. I get OTP via SMS. The Bangkok Bank server is much slower than SCB. .

    We had a major upgrade on the backend platforms last month, so any slowness should be a thing of the past. Please PM me if you still experience slowness with iBanking as it may indicate another problem.

    For those who have not already done so, we also recommend downloading the free PREVX software (see bangkokbank.com for details). This helps to prevent malware and to protect against Phishing which is a big problemf or all banks right now. Thank you.


    Yesterday it took me way over an hour to get a online verification code with BKB just to finalise an online ticket purchase with a local airline!

    The dial in "for english press..." .. system has some nasty flaws, the ladies speaking the announcements, do so not clear enough, at least one with heavy thai undertones, then at the final point.... the system hung... after a long phone queue...the operator understood the problem and said she had it "fixed"... then I had to proceed from the beginning... nervewrecking, "press ....".... few anouncement's further: "press..." it's mind boggling why this proceedure is so lenghty and complicated.

    And by the way, for which bank stays SCB - for Siam Commercial or Siam City?

  12. Yep the Dems were famous for 750 million baht dinners ;)


    Its famous. Im sure you can find it

    Yep, took you by the word and found it: The ruling Democrat Party collected at least 750 million baht through its ... fund-raising banquet last night, prompting suspicion from the opposition that the event may have contravened political party law.

    I am not so sure about the link to the source, think linking to this information is frawned upon here, I bet you can google it in a second or 2 yourself if proof is needed/wanted!

  13. ABSOLUTE FALSEHOOD! To say that Thailand is going to lose 400-700k tourists is a blatant lie. Another on the part of the TAT, and the AOT. They continue to read the daily fax put out by Yingluck, and continue to perpetrate the lies. If Thailand truly gets 1.25 million tourists a year, as they say, and the flooding started in late October, and the peak season is coming next month, how on earth is it possible that Thailand can only lose 400-700k tourists? Who is doing the math? Are they intentionally adding incorrectly, or are they just reading the instructions in the fax? I compute a rock bottom minimum of 2,000,000 tourists lost, and possibly many more. The devastation to the economy is going to be massive. It is only starting to be felt. I have read interview with travel operators, travel agents, and others who reported a cancellation rate of up to 90%. It is nearly impossible to get accurate info overseas. Someone is operating the TAT, and the AOT who has NO IDEA what they are doing, and should not be in that post. It would be relatively easy to engage in a PR campaign, and LET THE WORLD KNOW, what is going on here, and that it is safe and easy to travel here right now. But, are they doing that? Are they getting the word out there? Are they showing ANY DEGREE OF COMPETENCE? No. Yingluck is responsible, but so are all of her underlings.

    1.25 million tourists per year? ... I'll assume you meant "per month".

    I don't think 90% of tourists will have cancelled their whole trip. There would still be a lot travelling on to Phuket, Chiang Mai, Samui, Pattaya etc. Also, there would be a lot of "tourists" who are living here permanently that are still coming and going. There would probably be a lot of cancellations in Bangkok, particularly business related tourists.

    Yeah, there seems to be something wrong with these figures - TiT... it just shows the incredible incompetence of those in "charge", lies, lies, lies as if they make the difference.

  14. The Singaporean allegedly fled the crime scene in a BMW 325i that he had bought for his wife. He had previously also bought her luxury gifts and is believed to have given her an allowance of 70,000 baht ($2,900) every month, The New Paper reported.


    Married her, bought her a 325i and passed her 70k baht per month, plus luxury gifts and she's b*nging another guy. Of course murder is wrong, but he should have iced the chick. Call this a crime of passion, the escapee serves 30 days and is set free.

    There is a crisp clear message in there...!

    Well, seems to be the "go" in this country, one may assume after all she did not love the "singaporean" much, except his material support.... and some may even think that they are "clever", agreed, she should have been "iced".. :rolleyes:

  15. Did proceed exactly as in the quote in Post #26...deleted all reg.entries with reg.edit - downloaded it new and... none ... can type in user name and password, but the buttons to send it off, remain inactive! :annoyed:

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