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Posts posted by dpcjsr

  1. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!


    The real problem is that I may not have a choice in the matter. If you want to get the vaccine good for you. If I do not want to get the vaccine then the government will force me to get it. There is little doubt that this is how things will work out. I will fight it as long as possible. Then, when I can no longer get food, have a bank account, buy medicine, not see a dentist, travel, not see a doctor without government approval in the form of a document or chip verifying I have been vaccinated, then, at the point of this gun I will have a life and death choice to make. This is the future. We all have to decide how we want to live and die. This is not a drill. This is your life today now. You decide. 

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  2. If you watch the video you know this is just a bunch of kids having fun and absolutely no one was in danger of spreading or catching the virus. 


    Also, you will hear one of the kids poking fun at Phayut several times. That cannot be tolerated!!! That is the real reason they were arrested. The police were afraid of not taking action. 


    This makes it even more sad.

    • Thanks 1
  3. I think we should start calling the virus the CCP virus or Chinese Communist Party virus. That takes the spotlight off of the Chinese people and puts it where it belongs. The CCP has caused misery for the entire world and should not be let off the hook for this one. A complete lack of leadership. Unacceptable from a world power. 


    Trying to shift the blame is completely typical of the CCP.

    • Confused 1
  4. The gym is Phayao has been one of the safest places to be. They wipe the entire place down before opening then keep cleaning thru out the day. The people there are some of the most healthy in town. So, yeah, lets close it down. Brilliant. 


    I am already sick and tired of this insane hysteria. The virus is bad but the solutions may be many times worse. Something is going on that we do not understand yet. Soon it will become more clear. 

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    • Sad 1
  5. Know your customer laws have been in place for many years in the USSA. The USSA dictates to the rest of the world how they are to do their banking or else they will be cut out of the Swift system that lets banks do business. Typical strong arming by the USSA. It has been slow coming to Thailand but looks like it is now here. If experience in the USSA is any indicator then more rules, regulations, and restriction are coming soon. The long term goal will be so slowly restrict the availability of cash. I can't wait to see how Thailand manages to pull that one off...but they will eventually.


    You thought you could avoid the long reach of the USSA? lol, it cannot be done.

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  6. Today I drove into CM today for the first time in a couple of months and was surprised to see a haze over the mountain. There is plenty of burning going on now. Disappointing to say the least. I prefer mountains to beaches so live in the north but if this pollution gets even a little bit worse, and it looks like it will, then it will be time for a new location. Maybe down south on a beach. I have a Thai wife so want to stay in Thailand but more and more that is getting harder to do.

    • Like 1
  7. Red light cameras are have been proven thru much use else where.


    * They do nothing to lessen traffic accidents

    * They generate piles of money for the government

    * They cause a great deal of upset to the sheeple


    Collection has to be an issue at this time. In the states all police have computers and look up your information during any traffic stop. If you have outstanding violations you will be taken to the local jail. No such thing exist yet in Thailand. Renewing a license could be when they catch up to you...if you have a license to begin with.

  8. Yes, there is a small group that meets every Wednesday night at The Pub across the street from MAYA. 

    I used to play there but have moved to a small town away from Chiang Mai.


    You might also find a game at Broncos or Pantip because many kids are getting coached to play at those places.

    • Like 1
  9. I make trips from Phayao to Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai once a month and sometimes I throw in a trip to Bangkok. If I stay at a hotel overnight then I have to visit immigrations when I return to Phayao. I have experienced this several times in the last month and immigrations makes it clear that I do have to report in every time. 


    This is a pain both for me and immigrations. No one likes it but we are forced to put up with it. It takes immigrations 15 to 30 minutes dealing with me and then they charge 10 baht. A waste of time and money for everyone but it keeps big brother happy.

  10. Come on! There is a powerful push world wide for a cashless monetary system. ATMs will no longer be needed. Shocking to think they can pull that off in Thailand but the authorities here are already supporting it. 


    The plan is for banks to be able to charge negative interest rates as they please. If you can take your money out of the bank in the form of cash then their plan will not work. They have to end cash. In the near future gold, silver, cryptos, and hard assets are looking like the best alternatives but no one knows how long those will legally be available. 


    In the end we are all...

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