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Posts posted by LBass

  1. Sorry for commenting on this old post, but I'm hoping you, gingerandtabby, might be able to help me. I'll be in Chiang Mai next month for a work conference and as I'm on AIP, I'm a bit worried about what I will do for food. Could you update on what your experience has been? I've been able to introduce only white rice (thankfully!) and egg yolks. When I was in Thailand last I struggled to get just gluten free food (has to be 100% gf since I am celiac) so I am not sure how I will do on AIP. I'm hoping to either get an AirB&B or hostel with a kitchen, but if you have any tips especially about what and where to buy groceries, if there are any meals or snacks you have found to be AIP and if you have had any success at all with accommodations at restaurants. Any tips at all would help sooth my mind! Thanks

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