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Posts posted by pearciderman

  1. 8 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:

    I couldn't reply earlier, because I was in prison, sorry. You are openly discussing some old men, who you believe were criminals, but you obviously weren't innocent in your earlier days. That's similar to one Thai teacher gossiping about another Thai teacher that he/she can't speak proper English.  


    Not sure why you felt the need to compare what you did, but there is a vast difference in learning a lesson and being less able than someone else.


    Maybe you would do better to think before trying to get your post count up.

  2. 4 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:

    I was a member of a local bike club, but that was our hobby and our colors were there to show from where we were. We donated money to schools, helped poor villages and the bikes were/are our hobby. 


    What was/is the name of the club? I am sure some members here would be interested in joining your charity works.

  3. 20 hours ago, smotherb said:

    I was not talking about the fact the South Vietnamese with all the US training and war materiel could not defeat the North. I was commenting on why the US lost the war.


    It was the average Joe in South Vietnam who helped the North Vietnamese troops and not the South's or the Americans, so it has everything to do with why the USA "lost the war". 

  4. 13 minutes ago, smotherb said:

    Well now; what was it that made public opinion so against the war? With all the funding, training, equipment, support, and technological superiority the US military had; they still could not gain a sufficient victory over their Vietnamese opposition. What part of that failure was not the military's problem?


    One of the major factors of the war in South Vietnam being lost was the fault of the South Vietnamese themselves.



    "Defeating the Communist guerrillas would have been an easy matter if the South Vietnamese people had refused to hide them in their midst. Instead, American and South Vietnamese could only grope after the elusive enemy and were rarely able to fight him except on his own terms."




  5. 5 minutes ago, cat handler said:


    I would suggest you read what you wrote and try asking again. Oh I just wish I could be blacklisted for an overstay and continue living happily in the country.


    I suggest YOU read what I wrote, nowhere did I say you could continue to live in the country if you are blacklisted, what I did say is that blacklisting and deportation are 2 separate things and they do not always go together.


    Also, learn that leaving the country of one's own volition is not deportation. Even if you are leaving and being blacklisted for an overstay.

  6. 15 hours ago, Annunaki said:

    They were less than honest about informing the school as to my age,


    I wonder how much is "less than honest", you are 72, that is 12 over the age of retirement in Thailand.


    So this wonderful agency is lying to the school, the children and the parents - top agency, NOT.

  7. 7 minutes ago, cat handler said:


    Actually it does trigger a blacklisting, or are you under the belief you can be deported to your home country then immediately jump on a plane and fly back again and just enter the same country again? Most countries also require you to pay the costs associated with being deported after your blacklisted time before you can ever re-enter.


    If blacklisting and deportation go hand in hand, how come you can be blacklisted, (say for overstay), but not deported?

  8. 6 hours ago, damen said:

    Now if you applied for NON-O Visa will subject for checking your fingerprint for criminal records.


    Absolute baloney!


    6 hours ago, damen said:

    It will be wiser to apply work permit and non-b visa or if you have money to spare, you can also buy the elite visa (1 mil baht for 20 years visa).


    Might be problematic as they do do a criminal records check here in Thailand.

  9. 7 hours ago, elviajero said:

    If you are legally married you should get a non-immigrant ‘O’ visa. That way you can apply for a work permit (no need for a non ‘B’) if your employment qualifies. Avoid entering as a tourist if you can.


    Why avoid entering on a tourist visa? That can be converted to a Non-O in country and then subsequent extensions.

  10. 2 hours ago, Happyman58 said:

    just going on the bikes I have seen mate.   Most Thais I know never leave their keys in the ignition Maybe the Thais you know do but in big cities, they don't but glad you got your rocks off saying that  ok lol


    Just pointing out that you were lying about what you see and what happens, now we are on to "most Thais I know" and before was all, why comment if you can't be honest?

  11. 4 hours ago, quandow said:

    I just LOVE it when I hand a 20 baht note to a song tow driver and get ten one-baht coins in return. We ALWAYS exchange a glance where I let them know they are NOT going to be on my Christmas list.


    Why, because he gave you the correct change in legal tender? You need to look in the mirror and see where the problem lies!

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  12. 3 hours ago, baboon said:

    Ah yes. Add my urinary tract infection which was actually bladder cancer. It was just as well I happened to take a trip back to the UK when I did or I would be dead now.


    Strange, because a couple of your past posts have nothing but praise for Government hospitals here - I do wish you would decide which side of the fence you are on.



  13. 20 hours ago, VocalNeal said:

    When at college I either forgot to do or couldn't do an assignment so I asked a mature student from the air-force if I could copy his. (This by hand not by PC.) 

    There were two high scoring marks.  The air-force guy who got 80% and me who got 10% for the work and 70% for initiative.



    I don't believe for one second that any teacher gave you 70% for "initiative". Cheating is just that, not initiative.

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