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Posts posted by fashionablesally

  1. 18 hours ago, nisakiman said:


    Smoking is an appetite suppressant. It's very common for people to put on weight when they quit smoking. This is one of the reasons that type 2 diabetes is also common in ex-smokers.

    Aha. Thanks for confirming. I was starting to think that i have a problem. I miss my smoking weight so so much! :sad:

  2. On 9/12/2017 at 2:12 PM, lovelomsak said:

    With all the youtube videos out there about Thailand. I was wondering has anyone here seen themselves on any of these video's?

     Soi 6 ,walking street,Soi cowboy,KSR,sukhumvit etc all have many videos on youtube..

      I havenot found any with me luckily. But would like to know if other guys have been captured on youtube.

    They clearly all need help in making their YouTube channels a bit more famous hahaha. I was thinking of starting a channel myself but then i stumbled upon this https://www.1and1.co.uk/digitalguide/online-marketing/search-engine-marketing/youtube-seo-how-to-improve-your-ranking/ , which has a picture at the bottom of how you can make your channel rank higher...ermh anyone smart enough to take a quick look and explain to me what they exactly mean by Transcription?

  3. On 9/24/2017 at 1:12 PM, chrisinth said:

    It is a shame that the problem in Thailand has nothing to do with health in the banning of the e-cig but everything to do with not coming up with a means to tax the said product................:thumbsup:


    That said, Thailand is only being a bit more forward than most countries.


    Smoking has been known to be a killer for decades, and yet tobacco products are legally available over the counter of every country in the world (with a couple of exceptions) Why is this? Certainly isn't for health reasons.


    For clarity, I am a smoker. And also the owner of e-cigs...................:wink:


    I have nothing against smokers...i am an ex-smoker myself but i promise you the e-cig is better...way better. I used it for a year before officially quitting. The most vivid change has been that my taste buds are way better and hence gaining weight has become a real problem. I don't know. I somehow always managed to stay trim under the Cig. Are there any scientific facts behind this phenomenon? Sometimes i get so tempted to just have one..or two..or three :passifier:

  4. And as expected when i started the thread...the majority would have to say it has something to do with Thai women. I couldn't blame them because these Women are gorgeous!! and Yes i am straight. Haha. I mean the average American woman is most likely not to be as feminine as the average Thai woman...some men prefer this and some don't. At the end of the day, i would argue that it has got everything to do with the culture. Oozing some form of submissiveness has got everything to do with culture. Having friends that are Asian and African, i tend to think that women from these two cultures are most likely to be this way because it is sought of engraved in them. It's a part of them..and this doesn't necessarily have to be something bad or something that they should be ashamed of. In a current world full of Feminists...saying things like this can actually get you in trouble :post-4641-1156693976:  :shock1:

  5. Coming from the U.S and still new here, i will say that the best thing about Thailand for me is how affordable the food is. Thai street food is so amazing and the street vendors are all usually so polite. Everything is so fresh and so diverse compared to the states. Although i am still new. I can definitely see myself spending a lifetime here. It would be nice if some of you could share your favorite thing about living here. There are so many reasons but if you had to pick one what would it be?...

  6. On 9/7/2017 at 6:34 PM, Grumpy Duck said:

    Now that sounds professional. But £2000 in Thailand? 

    Were your clients living in Thailand or were you specifically talking about somewhere else? I have the impression that only a few would afford such prices (2k). If you are in Thailand i would say the more affordable you are..the better. In terms of the number of clients you would get. Right? I would love to get your opinion on that..

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