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Posts posted by danea83

  1. Dude stop whining, you already have more than tons off other ppl out there!

    Everyone has health problems, go see a doc and fix it, or get to a point it’s actually tolerable condition.

    Being a native English speaker with good UK passport, getting a job is not that hard and if you get some extra like TEFL it be almost a piece of cake. Sure, maybe not in fancy places like Korea or Japan, sure, you might not be swimming in dough or pussy, but it’s bloody doable. And you said Thai makes you happy.

    So unless you want a pity “pat pat” on your back, suck it up go see a doc and start looking for a job in Asia or back home.


    On 17.02.2018 at 2:57 PM, punchjudy said:

    .try japan & korea instead of the lowest hanging fruit called thailand......because the fruit is rotten.



    According to my Korean friend it’s even harder, as women in Korea (not sure about Japan though) value not only good physical characteristics, but also a man to be career driven and well set in life.


    And family opinion values a lot, potential gf family just might not approve (unless you make shitload of money) or look like a Greek God.


    A lot of Korean guys are looking for women outside of Korea.




    To OP


    I think you either have unrealistic expectations (at home), going way above your grade. Or you just talk too much without listening in return.


    From (some) female perspective, you sound like a catch, yeah not all want superman. But just a dude that wants to settle down and be nice, but it seems you can’t even get a date there (?) despite putting your best effort in to it … maybe it’s not the world that’s broken.

  3. 8 hours ago, madusa said:

    If only the world changes its perception that would do everybody a hell lot of good.

    What you say is true and in a perfect world this is how it should be.

    But sad truth is, people base their opinion on actions of others first, rather than be open-minded and try to get to know you as a person.

    So yeah, those boys are responsible for themselves and nasty people can come from any place, but indivertibly they still leave some bad aftertaste for the rest of us.


  4. On 17.10.2017 at 2:26 PM, madusa said:

    They are handsome(look at photos) and they know how to talk the birds to come down from the tree. No doubt these are quality tourists, after all what is one night free room for them, the hotels are making millions every year. And the meals, are they good I wonder, too hot and spicy for Russians they may not enjoy it but they are nice they didn't complain.

    This is Karma for the Thais who are always scamming the farangs, so this is pay back time.

    If I see them I will say, "You clever boys"

    They might not bring economical downfall to Thailand or even a specific hotel, but they sure give us a bad name.

    Why am I as a Russian tourist should be looked down upon (like I don’t have enough problem being lone female traveler), just because bunch of freeloaders are giving me a bad rep?

    If they can afford a ticket, they should pay for food and loggings. Thais are not at fault that politics are screwed up right now.

    Otherwise stay home and get a freaking job like the rest of us.

  5. On 17.10.2017 at 3:53 AM, thrilled said:

    Believe me immigration,airports customs have their number.They could possibly try to sneak Accross the border.Their not to bright.

    They have nothing on them. Those guys (judging from the pic) are using inner passport and to enter\exit foreign country you need to use international passport, as far as I know those 2 are not connected. In theory, they don’t even need to sneak they can parade “through the front door”

  6. I know I’m fairly new here, although I’ve been reading this forum for quite some time.

    But I hope maybe my experience can be helpful to you. Luckily my problem is not as bad as yours, and is located on my hand.

    As previous post stated, you do need to go see a doc, because skin problems often indicate other underlying issues, as it was stated before – liver disease. Or as in my case - stomach problems. I have GERD and gastritis, and sometimes I eat what I shouldn’t (and not take meds for my stomach) or I get stressed badly. Flare ups come pretty fast.

    If it’s possible do blood test to check that, especially ESR. If you can’t then go on a diet, exclude basically everything but cooked grains and plane meat, maybe some steam veggies, no spices or sauces, no coffee.

    You can also try antihistamines with some of the creams you’re planning to use, but again, I strongly suggest seeing a doc.

    Coconut oil does sooth and reduce inflammation for me, neem did nothing for me at all. Aloe vera is a bit tricky as often it contains other ingredients and for me sometimes it makes things a LOT worse.

    On zinc cream, my dad been using that for 5 years almost constantly, on his face, so far no issue and he does blood test very often. It helps him tremendously.

    I stick to diet, antihistamines and my PPIs.

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