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About Thungrat

  • Birthday 11/08/1960

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  1. Very good for climate change! and we must drive EV cars to save the climate 🙂
  2. Manoutcher Kamel Kamai is a typical swiss name, for shure. 🙂
  3. And you don´t need a statement anymore, only a copy of this fixed accout passbook?
  4. If they build good/strong dams and manage the waterlevel correct there would be not a big problem. Now they release water from the dams becouse they scared they brake.
  5. Mask and a dog (or is it a dog?) says all.
  6. Quote: "top global tourist spots". lol
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  8. They might have been drunk. Don´t mess up with drunk thai people.
  9. Anyone still using paypal is a fool. Bitcoin is the only solution.
  10. Manipulative information, instead to take the number of people they take percentage to look it amazing. 500+% looks more scary then the real numbers which they don´t tell.
  11. FB link to Lampang Farm: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100068731157265
  12. hidden within the links are the brick week........ this is Thai style. 555
  13. Eather you click on Following or you copy/past @บ้านครูสมุนไพร into your line, or go to there Line shop https://shop.line.me/@baan_kru_samun_pri scroll down there or direct to 10g GC here https://shop.line.me/@baan_kru_samun_pri/product/1002338524
  14. This GC is from Lampang farm as mentioned before. You can contact them on line where I get answers in english within minutes: @บ้านครูสมุนไพร Or on facebook https://www.facebook.com/บ้านครูสมุนไพร-104109811346576/
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