If they build good/strong dams and manage the waterlevel correct there would be not a big problem. Now they release water from the dams becouse they scared they brake.
Manipulative information, instead to take the number of people they take percentage to look it amazing. 500+% looks more scary then the real numbers which they don´t tell.
Eather you click on Following or you copy/past @บ้านครูสมุนไพร into your line, or go to there Line shop https://shop.line.me/@baan_kru_samun_pri scroll down there or direct to 10g GC here https://shop.line.me/@baan_kru_samun_pri/product/1002338524
This GC is from Lampang farm as mentioned before. You can contact them on line where I get answers in english within minutes: @บ้านครูสมุนไพร Or on facebook https://www.facebook.com/บ้านครูสมุนไพร-104109811346576/
I don´t know what this Burgo1979 want in this thread. He is only annoying and already long on my ignore list. But still some of his rubish shows on my screen.