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Everything posted by Thungrat

  1. Very good for climate change! and we must drive EV cars to save the climate 🙂
  2. Manoutcher Kamel Kamai is a typical swiss name, for shure. 🙂
  3. And you don´t need a statement anymore, only a copy of this fixed accout passbook?
  4. If they build good/strong dams and manage the waterlevel correct there would be not a big problem. Now they release water from the dams becouse they scared they brake.
  5. Mask and a dog (or is it a dog?) says all.
  6. Quote: "top global tourist spots". lol
  7. Session is an even better, anonymous and free App https://getsession.org/
  8. They might have been drunk. Don´t mess up with drunk thai people.
  9. Anyone still using paypal is a fool. Bitcoin is the only solution.
  10. Manipulative information, instead to take the number of people they take percentage to look it amazing. 500+% looks more scary then the real numbers which they don´t tell.
  11. FB link to Lampang Farm: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100068731157265
  12. hidden within the links are the brick week........ this is Thai style. 555
  13. Eather you click on Following or you copy/past @บ้านครูสมุนไพร into your line, or go to there Line shop https://shop.line.me/@baan_kru_samun_pri scroll down there or direct to 10g GC here https://shop.line.me/@baan_kru_samun_pri/product/1002338524
  14. This GC is from Lampang farm as mentioned before. You can contact them on line where I get answers in english within minutes: @บ้านครูสมุนไพร Or on facebook https://www.facebook.com/บ้านครูสมุนไพร-104109811346576/
  15. It is from Lampang farm. https://www.facebook.com/บ้านครูสมุนไพร-104109811346576/
  16. No, but you can create one, with prices per gram. ????
  17. Nobody is intereted in your expensive weed as this thread is about Cheapest good weed !!! Shure you don´t know what is cheap and good.
  18. I don´t know what this Burgo1979 want in this thread. He is only annoying and already long on my ignore list. But still some of his rubish shows on my screen.
  19. Looks like a scam to me, nothing shown on his page!
  20. This thread is about cheap weed. Please try to sell your stuff in another thread.
  21. Any idea where to buy some quality CBD blossom at a good prices ?
  22. So you still don't have the link. Stop with this silly lies, and don't answer anymore, it will be ignored as you on my ignoring list now.
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