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Posts posted by dpdp

  1. 13 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

    Sorry but you are mistaken, people do go to jail in Asia for weed. I forget what Schapelle Corby's sentence was for trying to smuggle weed into Bali but it was a long sentence. 

    Only stupid people use or try to sell weed


    I am talking about weed possession and use.

    And I am talking about Thailand, not retarded Singapore, Indonesia or Malaysia.

    Nobody goes to jail for 3 joints in Thailand, this is clear and definitive.

    Of course it is not distribution, but I wonder why things are so difficult for you to understand !?







  2. 5 hours ago, Idiotabroad said:

    The thing is, that there IS a legal process and people do have rights.

    Typically with a marijuana bust the officers involved will tell the people that they can goto jail for 10 years and pay hundreds of thousands of baht in order to scare the person into paying a bribe, usually 50k - 200k depending on how many officers are involved.

    What most people don't know that the reality of a tourist getting busted with a bit of cannabis really is a slap on the wrist. Most cases involve paying a fine of 1500-10,000 baht and they send the tourists on their way, often times not even blacklisting them.


    The only real problem is that they can't leave the country until their court date and that can take up to 90 days I believe.


    I have been here for over 20 years and I have had many people I know get busted with cannabis and it is the exact same process every time.


    This kid panicked and called his friends, his friends panicked and called the media.


    Exactly ! And there is nothing else to say, but so many people on this forum who know nothing keep talking, so funny !



  3. 6 hours ago, ThaiBob said:

    I had the burger yesterday too and like others said it was very tasty. Note that some burgers and sandwiches (not all) use a KC sauce which is quite spicy with a definite bite. Next time no sauce for me. Price was 285 which included a Coke, burger, and your choice of BBQ beans, potato salad or fries. The fries were not special. Also note their liquor license is still being processed so no alcohol. 


    So it is just a burger place ? Another champion decided to fail again and again ?!



  4. 4 hours ago, keithpa said:

    How many times do I have to tell you the facts, he didnt realize they were in his baggage. If you have comprehension problems, please cease and desist from your unfounded comments.


    People always have excuses, how ridiculous is it to even say that he didn't realize.

    Next time he will be smarter maybe.




  5. 15 minutes ago, champers said:

    This place is now open; directly opposite Pizza Big on Naklua Road.

    Also on Naklua Road, the recently closed Coffee Club is being replaced by a branch of Thai Express. Work onsite is ongoing.


    And have you tried Yipinlou on third road near the junction where are located all the Thai bars/disco (shortcut to go to BigC) ?



  6. 2 hours ago, steven100 said:

    It's good to have some Thai friends ... but just a couple of close ones.

    Expats friends,  well no,  because all you ever get from an farang is whinging ....  they always see the negatives in anything, never the positives ... as such I stay away from them.


    I do not mess with low so farangs...



  7. 4 hours ago, bermondburi said:

    Dude.....calm down.


    Different folks different strokes. I never grew up with any silver spoon in my mouth, and I've just been trying to provide a good future my my family and myself. You don't agree with my methods, that's up to you.


    I will say one more thing to you though. I don't know how many Thai friends you have, but generally speaking I would say that foreigners in Thailand don't have many, if any Thai friends, but I have found Saudis on the whole to be very friendly people, and I've made goods friends. Some of the guys I work with are great guys who would go out of their way to help you in the best tradition of Arab hospitality. 


    It's a very exciting time to be here right now what with all of the social changes going on. 


    I'm fairly sure if I knew more about your life there would be things I'd disagree with. But live and let live. 


    I'll still be sleeping well tonight, as will my family. 



    I have no interest in Thai friends and I am sure to be even less interested to know any muslim of this world, even if they would pay me to socialize with them. I have face and pride.










  8. 20 hours ago, bermondburi said:

    I'm guessing that I'm not typical from most of the posts on here. A lot of people seem to be of an advanced age.


    I left Thailand five years ago aged 35. Took a leap into the dark and got a job in Saudi. I didn't want to be wasting the biggest earning years of my life in Thailand, wake up at 50 with some hazy memories, and most importantly no cash in the bank!


    The first three years in Saudi were spent getting on the ground experience, and finding our feet. Thai wife and two kids have been here the while time too. 


    The past two years have been spent working for the Saudi military on a very good number. The kind of cash that the vast majority of expats can only dream of. Recently purchased a very nice villa in Hua Hin cash after just two years of saving, so absolutely no regrets about leaving Thailand on that front. 


    Downsides have been that Saudi has been hard for my wife for obvious reasons. On the other hand we tapped into the Thai community here and made some great friends, some of which I would like to think are for life. 


    My final thought would be that Thailand is for when you're young and single, or when you're old and retired. 


    The years in the middle are better off being spent elsewhere. 


    I left at 35 after 12 years, in hindsight I wished I'd left at 30.


    Even for $100000/month I would not live in any retarded territory.

    How lucky is your family to live in that sh*thole just because you were not able to make good money in Thailand.

    Poor them.






  9. I am wondering if for such a long overstay it would be better to take an illegal boat to China or Japan and then declare overstay there just after arrival ? They would send her back to Thailand, not Korea I guess ? Please tell me if I am wrong.

    At least if she got bored with Korea she could discover a new country, even if sent to jail there :-)



  10. 8 hours ago, observer90210 said:

    Perhaps stop harassing innocent tourists/expats with random road pee tests just to try to extort money by scaring them.....


    ...and use the manpower instead on real policing and trying to trace back drug peddlars, starting from a street level and above the food chain ?


    ........maybe it could yield some results ?...at most,  lead to arresting the drug peddlars who do not have "connections" ??


    Results but no money in their pocket = no interest.



  11. 14 hours ago, mick220675 said:

    He could start with our local police who control the drug supply in our area, possibly even arrest a few of them. 


    A young lad in our village crossed the border near me and was stopped with a joint, when his family failed to pay the police he got 19 years for trafficking. Yet the approved dealer has no such problems.


    Ridiculous. Nobody even goes to jail for some weed.



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