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chris carre

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  1. The book will be out in 39 year,s for all those give a <deleted>🤣🤣
  2. Get a new girlfreind it will save you a lot more problem,s in the comming year,s.🤣🤣🤣
  3. Keep him on a tight lead.What i would have done for a few month,s in Thailand at aged 15.Avoid soi 6 for at least the first week or so🤣🤣
  4. Give it to her now,you will be dead by the morning beware.
  5. Why don,t you just go to the Andaman Club.Easey why fly to the outher end of the country???
  6. Good new,s for you.You fell for a total load of bull<deleted>
  7. As my Great grandfather used to say "look where you are <deleted>in going"🤣🤣🤣
  8. Please do not confuse your visa with your permission to stay they are two very diffrent thing,s
  9. I teech ennglish in thailand foor healp mi thaii familly.tjhey goud to me🤣🤣🤣
  10. Why do you feel the need to wai the shop assistant.They are service staff most lickly half your age.Unless they do somrthing outstanding you are just makeing yourself look foolish.What,s next walking into a gogo bar and waing all the girl,s on stage🤣🤣🤣
  11. Not true he could extend that first 30 day,s with a 30 day extension.Then if he still need,s more time he can apply for a 60 day extension to visit his wife.So in total he can streach that visa exempt entry out for 30+30+60 =120 day,s.No need to rush to the imm office in the first week.
  12. A visa cannot be extended once it,s used or expired that,s it.What can be extended is your permission to stay.Two very diffirent thing,s
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