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Top Chef

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Posts posted by Top Chef

  1. This is only the beginning.....A society that's repressive....corruption at every level.....a court system that honors the rich....abusive behavior by officials (elected and appointed) and local business owners as well. People are feeling frustrated, Thais and expats alike. IMHO As the gap gets wider (between rich and poor), violence will serve to be the order of the day. The poorly educated, of course, are the culprits and really, education is the key to a progressive society. Weather it's scholastic education or road safety, respect of others, fear of the law. I could go on and on about this. 

    Thailand is a wonderful country and at one time it deserved the monikers "Land of Smiles" and "Amazing". But ever since Democracy was introduced, this marvelous paradise has plummeted to depths of which even decent Thais can't believe, The place has become morally bankrupt. Ergo, a malignant police state has reared its ugly head. And people have and will react in ever increasing violent ways. I've predicted this metamorphosis a very long time ago and unfortunately my predictions have come to fruition. I wish we could turn back the hands of time. I love Thailand. ????????????

  2. On 9/28/2018 at 10:40 AM, wheelin said:

    The deceased open the car door and started harassing the elderly woman, despite plea from the enginjeer. If the engineer did not shoot, violence could have escalated. the engineer only fired once. That immediately stop the aggression. Strong medecine, but justified and effective.

    Not justified

  3. This is a prime example of just how cowardly Thais are. 

    1) The engineer knew he was probably out numbered but as he was armed, the thought of a confrontation emboldened him

    2) The youths in the van were quite aware that they had the upper hand, so they thought they'd 'rat-pack' him at the stop.

    3) The cowardly youths jumped from the van thinking the engineer was an easy mark

    4) The cowardly engineer drew his weapon and fired at the crowd (PREMEDITATED) killing the boy and scattering the rest of the cowards

    5) The provocation from the engineer is clear. He stopped his car and was just spoiling for a fight. NO BAIL+15 YEARS. Out in 7

    ERGO.....Both the perp and his attackers were cowards. But only one was willing to kill and had the means to do so. The 'self defense' plea is an absurdity as well as the bail. The engineer was very lucky that the judge pitied him and gave him only 10 years and also that he has the opportunity to procure bail. 

  4. 6 hours ago, MarleyMarl said:

    Everyone going to ignore the fact that several of them stormed out of the van, yelling, and one started punching the guy in the face while he was sitting in his car?

    The simple solution would have been to drive away. Moreover the engineer and the woman shouldn't have stopped in the first place. They were asking for trouble and they got it! Som num na


  5. 25 minutes ago, wheelin said:

    The deceased open the car door and started harassing the elderly woman, despite plea from the enginjeer. If the engineer did not shoot, violence could have escalated. the engineer only fired once. That immediately stop the aggression. Strong medecine, but justified and effective.

    So what if the violence had escalated. At least nobody would have been killed if there wasn't a gun involved!! There was no justification in using a firearm. Unless the teenager had a gun as well. And there was no reason to stop the car to have a confrontation.

    Another stupid face-saving incident.

    A "Macho-man" with a gun, a bad recipe!!!!

    Also the elderly woman instigated the whole incident by handing the gun to the shooter. She is complicit by aiding and abetting the crime and should receive a similar punishment to that of the shooter. Thai Law....a bigger joke!




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