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Posts posted by Cancerian

  1. 5 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

    Advocating violence against the offenders achieves nothing, in fact , you are saying one form of violence unacceptable, but another is acceptable

    I understand your outrage, but we need other solutions without resorting to violence.

    We do not know their circumstances, and I am in NO WAY condoning the appalling behaviour.

    The child will live with the physical and emotional scars for life, where does he and his sibling receive the care they deserve, with social services almost non existent, let alone support for counselling for him.



    Yes violence will show him what the poor child went through give him to me for a week he will learn the errors of his ways 

  2. 3 minutes ago, aqua4 said:

    Maybe he simply had a heart attack while stoking the hamster watching his movies on his phone. Electrocuted makes no sense as normally (and I say normally) the trip switch would kick in. There would also have been burn marks on the plugs. 


    Trip switch lol we are in Thailand there is a lot of variables. The electricity doesn't necessarily have to of gone through the ear plugs ultimately it woukd of come through the power point ftom there it coulf of entered his body through anything between 

    • Like 1
  3. 26 minutes ago, dragonballz said:

    How can so many people be so ignorant about knowing what a peadophile is . Same as the lefties really using natzi and white supremacist without knowing what it means .Cannot be a pedo for not having sex with a girl .Can be a pervert , monster , sex offender evil person but not a pedo which is someone who has sex with a person before puberty which is usually under 10 . The ignorance of the general public esp americans is disturbing

    No the ignorance lies within he. Oh thats right there married its ok. Wake up you dont think he will rape this poor girl? The girl is underage no matter what way you look at it. 

    Depending on what dictionary you look at basicly a pedo is someone atraccted to children.


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  4. 6 hours ago, greenchair said:

    So basically he's a priest that's married an 11 year old. 

    Imagine the HooHaa if he was a Catholic priest. 

    Oops, my mistake, he's muslim, therefore has a law especially designed for his pleasure. The sad thing is, society seems to agree with that. 

    You should watch the news pedos are pedos no matter what religion this one happens to be muslim stop trying to play your discrimination card to change the subject.

    Did you complain a while back when a Dutch guy was caught? 

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  5. 13 minutes ago, BEVUP said:

    Also another thought of the situation

    How about Human/child trafficking 

    Goes along the lines of a person (was going to say man ), comes to another country & negotiates a deal for the holding of a child. Apparently in the custody of a parent/guardian, who is suppose to be accountable for the child until the child is 20, not 16. Who is then handed over (still underage by her countries laws ) to a person who is going to take her out of the country. 


    ? Need refresh - Is the child still in Thailand. How is he to get her out if not legally connected to her.

    Just drive accross border job done

  6. 2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    That's a grim thought.

    There have been reports there may be crickets in there but not sure how you catch crickets in complete darkness.

    But the psychology of this situation comes up again.

    People have tended to be thinking either they will all be saved, or none.

    It's entirely possible that they will lose some of them. Then the group panic psychology of dealing with that could become even more intense. 

    Grim as it is its a real possibility. Watch the movie survive

  7. 4 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

    It's been more than 5 days now.  I feel the chances of a successful rescue of all is no longer possible. 


    Heartbreaking and sad but, unfortunately, probably true.


    They are young people have gone weeks and survived and theres obviously water and if one should unfortunatley die they also have food to 

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