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Posts posted by stylishgolfer

  1. 5 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Marvelous. A tirade full of abuse, followed by "This is Thailand." Yes, we gathered that, as this wouldn't happen pretty much anywhere else.

    I agree, Thais are all too quick to shout out THIS IS THAILAND. what has that got to do with it.  They dont respect their own country anyway.  Handicapped person could well have been out of order but it is the staff responsibility to calm the situation and none of them is able to control the diners.

  2. 4 hours ago, PatOngo said:

    I'm surprised they found someone who can count to 56,000.

    absolute made up number.  They are just trying to justify the crap they come up with.  Why dont they just tell tourists not to come, save everyone the bother .  I am in Malaysia right now, sat at a cafe bar smoking shisha together with probably 20 others i can see in three bars.  This place is buzzing with tourists enjoying themselves not in fear that they will be thrown off a balcony, held to ransom by a jetski operator or thrown in jail for having a fag.


  3. 2 hours ago, trogers said:

    It's considered smoking when two guys share a toilet...

    They could finish painting the damn building first!  haha  I would have thought getting motorcyclists to wear helmets was a more urgent priority not to mention an absolute cash injection to the government.  500bt a person, thats got to be 1000 people a day in any one city alone easy, 500,000bt a day! Thats 182 million bt a year if they cracked down per city in Thailand!!!  In one year everyone would be wearing helmets and that saves lives, not this ridiculous notion of fining tourists smoking.  Also if they think ts a disgusting and damaging habit, why ban e-cigarettes and vapes!

  4. You need a government without corruption first.  That will take 100 years.  Then you need a police force without corruption, that will take 1000 years.  Then you need a tourist board that actually works to get tourists here.  Banning smoking on beaches, well the chinese and germans wont like that. Banning vapes and shisha, well there goes your Malaysian market. do you need me to go on..........


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