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  1. Staggering that this Big Joke fella (no pun intended, but with a name like that, WD<deleted> !) .. seems to get away with this kind of behaviour without challenge.
  2. Good points in there for sure and I have the following to add.. There is no perfect country but I get the impression reading through this thread that there are so many armchair critics mouthing off about how bad a state Australia is in. Consider this: We are a democracy, yes with its bruises and failures but give me that over a dictatorship. We don’t rely on borrowing from every Tom Dick and Harry to pay off the debt to Ann Sue or Sally whom they have previously borrowed from. We are a resource country and earn our keep from exports of same. That’s lucky, not relying on dog eat dog trading to eek out a miserable survival. We have social security and many of the recipients are even living elsewhere in the world as beneficiaries. We are not persuaded to borrow up big to buy a new car prop up a local motor industry, far better to let those be made in tin pot dictatorships where the sheeple will make them “cheap as” with coolie labour terms akin to slavery. We are very welcoming of foreigners to join us in our walk to build a prosperous, equitable society. We don’t favour locals over “aliens”. We have a proper justice system using age old English based law that is not compliant to the government. There is separation of powers. Finally we have a revered Monarchy which has served us well for centuries. That last monarch worked hard to make our country better. The next commits to do the same and likely will and the same monarchy tells us if we don’t want them anymore for whatever reason, we are totally FREE to do so. I get the feeling many of the writers in this thread moan about Oz in order to justify living somewhere which may not come close to the above ideals. Well good luck to you but I know side of my bread the butter is on.
  3. Good points in there for sure and I have the following to add.. There is no perfect country but I get the impression reading through this thread that there are so many armchair critics mouthing off about how bad a state Australia is in. Consider this: We are a democracy, yes with its bruises and failures but give me that over a dictatorship. We don’t rely on borrowing from every Tom Dick and Harry to pay off the debt to Ann Sue or Sally whom they have previously borrowed from. We are a resource country and earn our keep from exports of same. That’s lucky, not relying on dog eat dog trading to eek out a miserable survival. We have social security and many of the recipients are even living elsewhere in the world as beneficiaries. We are not persuaded to borrow up big to buy a new car prop up a local motor industry, far better to let those be made in tin pot dictatorships where the sheeple will make them “cheap as” with coolie labour terms akin to slavery. We are very welcoming of foreigners to join us in our walk to build a prosperous, equitable society. We don’t favour locals over “aliens”. We have a proper justice system using age old English based law that is not compliant to the government. There is separation of powers. Finally we have a revered Monarchy which has served us well for centuries. That last monarch worked hard to make our country better. The next commits to do the same and likely will and the same monarchy tells us if we don’t want them anymore for whatever reason, we are totally FREE to do so. I get the feeling many of the writers in this thread moan about Oz in order to justify living somewhere which may not come close to the above ideals. Well good luck to you but I know side of my bread the butter is on.
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