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Neurotic Trader

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Posts posted by Neurotic Trader

  1. On 3/20/2019 at 10:16 AM, edwardflory said:

    I have posted this several times on a few places.

    IF you have a THAI BANK ACCOUNT and a AMERICAN Bank account the easiest way for ""ME"" to transfer money to Thailand is:

    Go INSIDE the THAI bank where you have your THAI bank account, go to a teller, give them your FOREIGN DEBIT or FOREIGN CREDIT card  with instructions to deposit the monies DIRECTLY into YOUR BANK ACCOUNT - at my bank they enter the money as XXXXXXTHB in the card machine.


    Note: I use XE Currency converter as my ==> exchange cost GUIDELINE


    I have found this is the easiest way and most economical way for ""ME"". My last transfer for example: At MY Thai bank I transfered 21000 THB from my US bank ( to buy a new TV ) to my "households expense" account.


    XE QUOTE for 21,000THB $668.43USD ... Used as a rate comparison ONLY.

    MY COST for 21,000THB transfered and deposited $670.45USD.
    This includes all bank fees and exchange charges. (==>> done in under 5 minutes <<==) $2.02USD TOTAL charges. I have never had total charges exceed $5.00USD over the XE Exchange rate.


    NOTE: I have a Senior Citizen checking account in the US, this might be a factor, MY card is tied to this account.


    I went outside my Thai bank, withdrew 17,500THB at the ATM, now I am watching my new TV using it as a Android box 55 inch monitor ) as I wrote this a few days ago.


    DO A ....{{{{ TEST TRANSFER }}}}.... of 10,000THB ( I suggest this amount ) to compare ""YOUR"" charges.


    OTHER countries give it a shot.


    NOTE: YOUR foreign bank might have a ..transfer limit.., this was a factor the first few times for me.

    Thanks for your reply. I no longer have my countries bank i closed it all and moved it to thai which was a big mistake. but i will work it out and thank you for your reply

  2. 10 hours ago, William C F Pierce said:

    I would not touch SKRILL if I were you. A friend of mine has an account with them. He has over 750,000 Baht in his account which they suddenly blocked his access to. He has lived in Thailand for over 10 years. Suddenly they make demands as to the type of Visa and Work Permit he should have under their assumption that he might be money laundering. His situation has been going on now for over a year and he still hasn't got his money. Out of common sense, he now has 2 other accounts for receiving income from abroad. Beware SKRILL could Kill your wealth.

    thats what i want to avoid i dont trust this place as far as i can throw it

  3. Hi guys


    I am wanting to do an international transfer but i am have troubles from my thai bank, or credit cards (citi, amex) as my bank is making me jump through hoops and it takes two weeks. 


    the problem i discovered with my credit cards is that they dont authorize any transactions into forex brokers or anything foreign exchange related.


    I have been told i can use Skrill, as ideally i would fund with credit then pay off credit card


    not sure if anyone has any suggestions


    thank you


  4. Very sorry for late reply guys been flat out.


    Sounds good. Thank you for the information. Yes the banks you mention i have had good communication with so far and SCB can go to hell. I will be doing the same thing leaving them shortly. 


    My base is 120k a month plus extras so i meet the requirements no problems.  


    Thank you again kindly for the information. 



  5. Hello all,


    Just regarding myself. I work and live in Thailand (with recent employer 5 months) two year contract with good salary. I recently applied with SCB and after four weeks got declined which i believe was due to insufficient time in job. Many banks are quick to get pen to paper but none even go over the criteria with nor do they seem to know themselves. However, Krungsri bank happily provided a pamphlet for credit for foreigners which clearly outlined one year in job, salary etc, and so on. 


    Has anyone had any success and does anyone have a preference of bank. I find SCB extremely unprofessional at this point. 


    Thank you in advance for your replies. 


  6. Sorry not sure where to post 


    but urgent inquiry 


    I have a half chinese Australian baby with no citizenship at present as she was born here in Bangkok’ I need to get her back urgently 


    she has thai birth etc 


    i am waiting on her Australian citizenship to be completed so I can get her Aussie passport. However it is an emergency. 


    Can I get her a thai passport due to being born here with two non national  parents 


    any help greatly appreciated please 

  7. Hi  all again, 


    I have had a little look around but unless I specifically know what I am looking for it makes it a task. 


    My partner and I being both non nationals are looking to open a business at the markets. 


    I am currently in the process of obtaining my work permit through my employer. My partner is on a tourist but will come onto my visa etc, as a dependant soon. We have been told it is easier for me to open the shop under my name due to having a work permit rather then going down the path of creating a company and her applying for a business visa. 


    How would i modify my working permit or do even need too, which allows me full time hours of work at a school but also gives me the clearance needed to open at the market?


    Appreciate any direction or information.


    Thanks in advance. 

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Tanoshi said:


    Completely false information. Immigration do not advise Centrelink. 

    The Australian government track your entry and exits from the Country. If your not resident 2 years before state pension age, then you won't receive your pension. The alternative is to return and complete 2 years residency on pension before you Immigrate. You will then receive a reduced pension.


    The UK freezes the state pension if you Immigrate to Thailand.

    Thanks for clarifying. I wasn't entirely sure. hence why you never take anything as gospel.


    It states under the DSP he can only have a four week portability period. unless misread

  9. My good friend wanted to come over on his disability pension and was told that they are now cracking down on people living abroad living off of their pension. he was told immigration sends notification back to Centrelink or whatever they are called now and you get cut off.


    Not sure if this is the same for a aged pension if that's not the case then good news. Australia doesn't want its retired residents enjoying life abroad which amounts to good living here on a aged or disability pension. If its not the case now I'm sure it will be soon enough. Though the UK allows it I heard.

  10. Hello,


    I did take a quick look using the search function and I have checked out thai immigration page (from what I can find it only outlines the documents required). I now have in hand all my docs from my employer, contract, letter of offer, along with all other papers. I am currently on a tourist which expires on the 29th this month. I am planning to head out to Lao tomorrow.


    I have been told I need to exit Thailand to get changed over onto and re-enter with my newly obtained non b visa is this correct? Or can I simply head to immigration bureau?


    Thanks again for the information.

  11. Yeah O.K I see. So, can we legally marry in Thailand and it be recognized here. As we do plan to get married but I wasn't sure if we could both being non nationals. 


    When you say extension of stay but not my work permit how does that pan out if we are married? She attaches herself to my 12 month visa to stay which is separate to the working permit i presume?


    Thanks for the help as well

  12. Hello all,


    Sorry to trouble you with my question but I thought it might speed up my response if someone has been in a similar situation before.


    I met my partner who is a Chinese National a while ago. She was on a Business Visa but has now just recently gone onto a tourists for 3 months. I am now a holder of a Working Permit as a teacher. We have tossed up getting her on to another Business Visa as well.


    She is just on 8 weeks pregnant as well. What options do I have regarding her being able to stay in the country? Can she attach herself to my Working Permit as a defacto as we are not married or she can only remain on a tourist?


    Just curious what options we have available to us.


    Appreciate any information in advance!  

  13. The only advantage is Bangkok go tomorrow. Saves me taking a day off work. I checked out thaivisaservice and from what i can see they do not do a run til November now and my current visa expires on the 5th. But it is still an option for me as well during the week. It is also three day trip. My partner is pregnant so do not wish to be away for that long unless needed. 


    Just re read it they do a three day trip and one day Ban Laem awesome!


    Thanks again Steve. 

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