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Posts posted by bangkokspur

  1.  a few questions i need clarifying if you would be so kind.


    1.i have my non.imm visa that runs out on the 11th april, can i apply for my retirement papers now or do i have to wait for the last 30 days 

    2. they gave me a TM 7 form to fill in when i got my Non imm visa is this the correct form for retirement purposes.

    3. do have have to produce my bank statements pass book and bank letter again confirming funds in my account (800,000) on the day i apply for retirement.

    4. have i missed anything else i need .

     One other thing i have done all this on my own (except for the great assistance from people here ) so if i can do it anybody can no need to spend a lot of money on agents.


    thanks in advance


  2. gents

     couple of stupid questions

    just back from CW missed out by one day on changing my arrival visa (one you get on plane) to a Non O visa..... had to get a 30 day extension no issue there very quick.

    my plan was to apply for a retirement visa (which i do met all the requirements) only thing is i am not retired yet and i will be travelling out side the country quite a few times a year so is it worth it? where i work there is no thai embassy so i can apply for a tourist visa etc. the reason i am doing this was i got the third degree from immigration when i flew in, had all the right answers for them but they did advise i got the relevant visas (second pull in 17 years not bad) so its about time i did the right thing.

    i am married but not legally, have one child i am natural father (but have no rights unless legally married)  

    Now comes the stupid questions

    1. how long does this Non O visa last for

    2. can i get a multiple entry on it.

    3. If i do receive this retirement visa and i am out the country how do i report every 90 days.

    4. Do i have to get any  kind of stamp etc at the airport before flying so i can get back in without any issues. 


    your advice and comments are most welcome














    your help and advice is most welcome



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