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Posts posted by salomerose

  1. Ha! @chingmai331I didn't even realize it was Halloween until this afternoon. No, I'm cozied up in a hotel bed with Stranger Things instead. A bit too old and lazy for ghoulish deeds :smile:

    I find that abandoned buildings are all very different in different places. Different structures, energy, histories. I find it fascinating.. and funspooky, too, I guess.


    @elektrified I'll have to find that website. I did a few google searches first but found nothing interesting so I made the thread. Too bad about the mansions being blocked off, that sounds like spooky and beautiful adventuring.


    I've seen the building off the superhighway and wondered if there were any more like it. @DeaconJohn that Ghost Tower sounds wild!!


    Hoping a few more spots turn up in the thread :)

  2. Hi everyone! I'm traveling through Chiang Mai for a few weeks and I really like exploring abandoned buildings in different places. Turns out that's not as weird as I thought: there's a thread from 2010 or 11 where someone is asking about the same thing. But 6 or 7 years later most of those buildings will have been torn down or rebuilt.


    Anyone know of some cool abandoned, unfinished, spooky spots in Chiang Mai to poke around and take pictures?

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