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Posts posted by hammond

  1. I have read a lot of comments on t his, first of all I would like to send sympathy to the family who ae now here in Thailand.  I know this guy and he is a lovely guy Chelsea Mark as he is known to circle of friends in Cha Am where he is a regular visitor. Firstly I totally agree he should have had travel insurance, but I also believe that most travel insurance is void when accidents on Motorbikes are concerned.  My accident insurance I have with the BBK Bank is reduced by 50% payout on loss of life if the accident is on a motorbike.

    As for the accident itself my understanding he has been cleaned from behind while waiting to do a Uturn. the person who hit him is responsible despite the smart arse comment from "Kannot" it is the general case that if you hit some one from behind you are responsible and if not you need to prove it (ie Dashcam)

    It is also my belief that the increase in the car registration was due to the fact that it now included third part injury. (must admit not to sure about that) but did the rear end offender leave the scene if so has any effort been made to find this person, a person cannot cause this much pain and injury without some sort of accountability. 

  2. Dumb or smart, ANY lawyer would advise exactly that~ "keep your mouth shut". That is plain  ole good advise. 


    First of all let me put out there that I am not an American.  However I was of the view at the last US election that the US people were left with an impossible choice on the one hand they had Trump who to say the least was, and still is a bit of a clown, or they could pick Hillary who was proven to be a liar and dishonest, I really felt sorry for you guys, but in the light of the choices available I would say you made the right decision. In the light of this report  I would agree the posting above any Lawyer would tell you not to make a statement and to keep your mouth shut.  Sound advice to me when you have a man that would let his ego get himself in trouble trying to show he is smarter than those questioning him

  3. Not sure I can extract any intelligent thought from what you wrote but hey ho...whatever. Guess you like people smashing the hell out of each other, or feel its part of life. Personally I think it degrades us as humans and it is not something I will ever just accept. Maybe if it was you getting bashed up, you may think differently. Each to their own. Having seen people die due toi violence, I am not one who adheres to it.


    This is insane no-one the hell smashed out of them,  no-one got bashed up just silly little boys bristling and yes I have seen my share of death due to violence.  If tis had happened in school yard the worst they would get is detention HaHa.


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  4. A Nasty brawl  ???? you got two people cuddling each other that can't decide if they want a F@#k or a fight, and one coward that sneak punches a guy, and he jumped straight back up. 

    you will see nastier brawls is a school yard, this is media hype and that is all.

    As far as it being British maybe, it wouldn't surprise me Brits abroad drinking are only surpassed in bad behaviour by Aussies.  I am English and lived in Australia for many years before living here and having worked nightclub doors in both country's I think I am qualified to comment

  5. if the price is stated per 100gram then you need to know the weight of the food you are ordering I live mostly in Cha Am and recently asked for lobster and was quoted 3000Bhat a kilo which to me is outrageous.  These people ate Thai so there would have been no problem with language in questioning the pricing structure and how much food weighs. As quoted above 460 per head for food at the beach is not that bad.

  6. I drove from Cha Am to Chiang Mai departing 27/12/17 as soon as I got on the Phetkasem  Road a mini van with Bangkok taxi service written on was up my arse at 100km less than a meter behind me, when I went to move into the next lane he swerved into the lane before me screamed past.  I then watched him do this half a dozen times as he tried to progress along the road.  as  mentioned above I got to the lights  at Thayang and there he was two cars in front.  

    These van drivers need to be stopped they are Killers with the way they drive.

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