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  1. Korea, that is good to know. Thanks
  2. The Op did not mentioned if a kid is in the mixed, either through marriage, meaning, the kid was born after you all got married and yours, or legally, before marriage, yours or not, via the court process. If a kid is in the mixed, again, and yours; you might be able to get and extension of stay to visit your kid. It is the same process as a marriage extension, but some immigration department require the kid to be resident with the foreigner. Others might be best to shed some light on this. If going via the Court, it takes awhile to get that final paper, that the divorce case is final. The Ampur requires that paper before they can issue your Divorce Certificate and Register your divorce. They also want to see a copy of the foreigner's passport in Thai. Your Embassy stamp on that copy, this is before converting to Thai. I reckon you can show immigration the divorce record, and let them know that you will exit Thailand, but need more than (7) days to get the Court paper to get your Divorce Certificate from the Ampur which is vital to you, see what they say.
  3. Thailand is like a dog that started to sock your eggs from your chicken cage. You will not be able to stop it. Once they taste money, they will not stop.
  4. A two friends were in Japan and did not realized that the passports (Bahamian); they are carrying required an eVisa to enter Thailand. They caught a plane, and arrives into Singapore Sunday gone, hoping to get their eVisa at the Royal Thai consulate there on Monday. They were told, they can apply, but they have to stay put in Singapore for 15 days for the eVisa. Not sure this is normal. They decided to head out to Edinburgh on Thursday.
  5. If they make this into law, what happens to all the youths you see getting their crisp graduation certificates, where jobs are concern. Now that uncle & aunty are working past 60 in the service. They want the old folks to dead on the job, so the Government do not pay out pension or social benefits.
  6. Unless you get this guy stuff, living here or anywhere else that's carries 220v, one would be guessing what really is pulling the energy. I bought David stuff back on 2018 from Korea, and it will tell you what applicants are pulling the energy. Be it a Dryer, AC, a Fan, Iron, Electric stove, Oven, or someone stealing energy from you, etc, thereby, limiting there use to keep your energy bill down. Also, I have found out from the Electric Company, how they calculate their monthly bill here, this too is very helpful. He has a YouTube video, and is a very very honest person. htt**://mywatt.biz/
  7. This is not the first, nor will it be the last scam that these people attempt. The jails here are full of scammers. Most believe everything they see on TV soaps, and covert these things. The fancy cars, the nice dinning rooms, the living rooms filled with gold looking items, the watches, the list goes on and on. Hence I stated, sure will not be the last. They lack proper education, and those that have it, sadly, majority scam those without, simply a way of life here. Education is the key, and most here do not believe this.
  8. Lets see how the business persons that run Thailand like this. They want a strong currency, nothing else, to be able to buy their raw products and pay less, bring it in and charge more, thereby causing inflation to rise. Pay less for their kids studying abroad, go on there foreign trips, and save their money outside in their children name who holds a bank account.
  9. Thais drivers are pathetic. Other places I have seen are, Venezuela, UAE, India, Vietnam. These places are the worst I have experience driving. Your experience might be different. Zebra crossing means nothing to them. In Canada, if a person put a foot on it you must bring your vehicle to a stop, otherwise, if spotted by a cop, you will be in front of a judge, most likely, your license gone for a few months, or for good. Worldwide, approaching one from far, I slow down, far out, as I know pedestrians has the right away. In Thailand if I see a pedestrian\s looking to cross one, I look in the rear and side mirrors to see who is coming and put on my hazard lights because, I know a Thai will kill a person trying to cross or hit me in the rear. Even if they see the hazard lights they still pass me, almost killing the person\s, but the people here, bow to me, look before passing my vehicle. Some Thais behind me blow their horns, but I do not care.
  10. Good grief, busted for $7:20 USD. Divided by (4)
  11. Yes was given, but did not have to show the bankers where the funds came from.
  12. I have a lot of 99.9 gold, (24k), and I sold gold to that shop mentioned a few posted above. They took no taxes, and paid me the current rate - 1200 baht in cash. Chinese's dealer. Thai shops wanted to pay me 11,000 and 10,000 bath less, their price was for 96.5 gold. (23K). Also too, buying gold in Thailand there is a lot of fake gold in the shops here. Look like real gold, do not burn, but fake out of China.
  13. It is all luck and try with the USA Embassy. My Thai GF have been to The Netherland (3) times; the Caribbean (1); Dubai (2); Abu Dhabi (1); Canada (1), has a valid (10) yrs. Canadian visa; Hong Kong (1); China like (25) times, due work as a buyer; same for Vietnam. All with a letter from me guaranteeing her, plus medical, do not have to pay for a thing, not even airfare, yet they refuse her (3) times. They saw all. A friend of ours, married to an American, was refused, she had Invitation letter: job here, and husband their letter: husband car loan from the Bank their letter: husband house mortgage letter: copy of husband US tax return: marriage certificate: medical letter: bank statements both here and there: airfare booking: Interary there. So really, do not know what they want. I can only say, let her try
  14. Is 999.9 Swiss Gold sellable in Thailand, and where? I am seeing 96.5
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