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Paul moring

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Posts posted by Paul moring

  1. Thanks guys I really appreciate the advice . I have very little trust in using specialist visa people having used an agent in Thailand on the first application and then a British solicitor on the second application. However this is a different situation now so perhaps your right , I think I need to involve a specialist.  I need to get this right this time . But I'll definitely be using the advice you have all given.  Thanks again.  

  2. Hi there 7by7 , sorry I didn't mean he had some sort of right to live in the UK, poor thought process on my part. Unfortunately I don't have the refusal letter here with me . It's in Thailand with my step sons grandparents.  However on both occasions the visa was refused on the grounds that he basically hadn't spent enough time living with my wife . So sole dependency is hard to prove I guess.  Every other element of the visa seemed to be ok , they basically told us that turning his life upside down to start again in the UK was not good for him as he is settled in Thailand and doing ok in school. 

    My son is fourteen now, and is doing relatively well at school. So if I'm honest I don't want to disturb his education now by moving him permanently to the UK.  The disruption of that at such a crucial age could be irreparably. We tried to get him a settlement visa a couple of years ago before he started secondary school.  However I really want him to be able to come to visit us here sometimes , and see how his brother and sister and his mum and dad live . Had I realised that, by applying and being rejected for a settlement visa, could ultimately meen  a lifetime ban from coming to UK, I would have never applied in the first place and would have just used the holiday visas for him to spend a prolonged amount of time with us. 

    Thank you in advance for any further advice.  

  3. Hi all

    My wife and I would very much like to bring my thai step son over to the UK,  for 6 weeks next year during his school summer holidays. He is 14 years old and his half brother and sister live in the UK with me and his mum. We meet the financial requirements and the living requirements to be able to sponsor him whilst he is here , however on 2 separate occasions he has been refused the right to come and live with us here in the UK.  We have given up on this ever being possible but would very much like him to be able to visit us and spend time with his brother and sister on such occasions that schooling permits.  My question really is , is it likely that his holiday visa will also be refused on the grounds that we have applied and been refused twice for a settlement visa. I really don't want to get his hopes up again if it is going to be virtually impossible to get a holiday visa , on the grounds of the previous rejection. Any help or advice would be massively appreciated. Thank you in advance for any responses. 

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