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Posts posted by Joe1241

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Jackson%27s_This_Is_It

    Will This Be released here In Thailand?

    It is supposed to be released worldwide on October 28th. Movieseer doesn't have it in their listings for it to come out here.

    This Movie Site also doesn't have it listed either. http://www.pantip.com/cafe/chalermthai/rel...9.html#thisweek

    I guess this is a wait and see if update it kind of thing.

  2. The Dengue Fever is far worse than the Swine Flu and is not yet even reported by the Media. Scaremongering at it's finest.

    what's makes you think Dengue is far worse? if you are not bitten by certain mosquito do you have any chance of getting the fever? timely medication will save you from dengue these days.

    Read here-



    It is 10x worse then the Swine Flu will ever be.The Media wants a story and that is why they are using Swine Flu. Like I Said,Scaremonging at it's Finest.

  3. This is gonna cause lots of PANIC if it already hasn't. The Hysteria this is going to cause is going to be Madness. What's Next? Closing the Shopping Malls and Supermarkets. It is gonna cause more Violence then what happened in April with the Red Shirts. The Media Attention on this in Thailand is Absurd.I know a Thai Person at work with this knowledge taking so seriously like is the end of the world like in the movie Outbreak. Too much scaremonging..

  4. Closing these places would cause Panic and Hysteria. Argentina closed Shopping Malls there when the Swine Flu hit there. But I don't see why.

    Movie Theaters in Thailand-Never Full to see a movie.

    Isn't Liverpool FC supposed to come here on July 22nd? What are they gonna do about that? Do They think only sick people go to shopping malls? I would see loss of Tourism if you close a place like MBK or Siam Paragon.

    I don't know if this is getting too much or if it is just hype.

  5. Will they close Phuket airport too, or just the land border.

    What about cinema & shopping mall? Will they close it too, not that they are closing schools and Internet cafe.

    Where can I do email in Phuket when they close the internet cafe?

    From What I heard on Thai TV from a Source who watches Thai TV they will be willing to close Cinemas and Shopping Malls. This was reported on CH3 Thai news at 4 AM.

  6. Yes I'm also surprised The Hangover and Bruno is not being released over here. But still at least Public Enemies is coming out here next month.Moon looks good but what can we do when they are not released here. Still the Movie cinemas here in Bangkok are some of the nicest places to go see a movie.

  7. I got the phone for 20,000 Baht from MBK a couple days ago. It is a very good phone.

    It looks good, with 35hrs claimed music listening time, and up to 16gb flash drive.

    I've pretty much had Nokia's since my first phone, and for the first time, i'm pretty disappointed with my latest Nokia N70. It's big, slow to boot up and move between different functions, the battery life is not that good, and the thing that bugs me the most is the headset connection. Instead of a jackplug, it's a really fiddly multi-connector thing.

    Joe - how does this phone compare with the points above?

    The battery Life is very good. Don't even have to charge that much. The phone is light. It is very easy to move around the phone to the other apps on it.

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