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  1. very nice left hook for such a small farang it almost looked like it was asian farangs the way they dressed in white shirts anyway this should happen a lot more maybe these dudes would realize that a dress and shaved leggs is no longer an alibi to harrass people
  2. and all this commotion because of 1 idiot who decriminalised it in the first place what was this idiot thinking all cities are stinking now because chief Crazy Eyes and his tribe are allowed to smoke every where yes please behave like a normal country for once and ban smoking in public legalise space cake and any other form off use that does not stink up environment but get this filth from the streets
  3. 4 am you should be in bed with a nice thai lady not roaming around on the streets there is no fair fight with Thai man anywhere or they carry knives or fight in packs some time ago i got attacked with a machete but hey i am a very fast runner my dad told me when i was young better a live coward than a dead hero
  4. djeez what a story and i slept trough it did not hear any ambulance are u sure this was chokchai garden no 2?? i always thought our gates looked like a row of african zulu warriors who ware famous for impaling people would not even climb them sober anyway lets hope for the best
  5. happy to hear that smokers already stink up bars and restaurants in thailand but these creeps stink up entire towns
  6. no 1 these are no pitbulls but american bullies (the small kind) no 2 they are no puppies but full grown as the police had no problem obtaining them this says everything about their character this bread loves humans and have no agression if not teached to them by idiots anyway if the police can not find a home i would be more than willing to adopt them they are so ugly that this makes them beautifull
  7. all that talk about 2019 level this level that level we all know when airplane tickets get to 2019 level and the thaibath also all problems are solved its just not interesting to come to thailand as in other asian countries it is cheaper to live no visa hassle no harrasment from RTP or extra charges for not thai what do you expect?
  8. ooh my Buddha boring boring boring boring boring
  9. i am sure this will before 100,000 red shirt storm the bastille
  10. anonimous member now i get it a real coward maybe?
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