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  1. wow these farangs must be in Thailand for a very long time they adapted perfectly mostly the thai are chopping with knives i have been attacked from a truck driver with a machete once after he almost drove me off the road
  2. only if there is dog on the menu
  3. world class tourist image?? i thought pattaya was famous for for tits ass and lies??
  4. this makes corruption even more easy my friend driving drunk just paid 10000 bht in Pattaya to be paid cash or going to monkey house watch out for JOMTIEN SECOND ROAD these 4 cops are having a good time
  5. decent people get scammed so why not Ahmeds
  6. ow what a devastating news poor swedish mr Ahmed welcome to the club been there done that and not sure it will not happen no again why is it even on this site ? it happens a million times a year and will never stop grow up and get a brain this is educational money we all paid it
  7. when thai man drunk him no need anything for assault old people a coward is a coward
  8. so what is new? finally the government finds out what everybody knew and so what they have enough money to retire i am sure they know exactly who to pay to avoid any repercussion
  9. hey do not judge so quickly this is a love marriage for sure some 60 year old guys still have very attractive features like a 6 digits bank account?
  10. how short off memory people can be? i think it is because of to much msg (pom su rot) in the brain hardly any sane people left here
  11. talk a walk on soi 6 and shut the f...k up
  12. ow really can this get any worse? next time they will report when someone sneezes and poops their pants
  13. well finally thailand is going to tax its biggest asset low tax income wakes up the dummest people i guess living in the land of smiles for over 10 years (still do not know what they are smiling about) i did not find much of Thailand’s beautiful culture and traditions. maybe that is more in the villages where electricity is rare but did find a lot porn sex and willing ladies and lady boys on every corner this move should double their tax revenue
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