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Posts posted by soap



    An Irish man has died after a road collision in Thailand on Tuesday night.


    It's believed the man in his 30s was originally from Co Longford and was working as an English teacher in Thailand.


    The accident happened in the Chiang Rai province.


    Full story: http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/irish-man-dies-in-road-collision-in-thailand-35851872.html


    -- INDEPENDENT 2017-06-22



    i did not know John but for anyone on here who cares John as now been cremated the many many messages of condolences can be found by doing a simple search and it goes without saying his friends and family are devastated at their loss.


                      RIP John

  2. AFAIK you shouldn't actually need to turn it.

    AFAIK CTH KU band is beamed off the Vinasat satellite @ 131.8E

    I've used True, GMM, and CTH all without repointing the Ku band dish.

    If you go to lyngsat and check out the Vinasat 2 satellite @ 131.8E ( CTH ) and Thaicom 5 satellite @ 78.5E

    ( True visions) both on KU band the two satellites are pointing in different directions

    I presume this accounts for it:

    CTH on Thaicom 6 at 78.5°E


    It looks as if we are both right,CTH right from the start have been a Mickey Mouse company who have gone out of their way to confuse their customers and deserve to be going out of business.

    AFAIK they started their service on the Vinasat satellite @ 131.8 E I'm not sure if they are still in business or they are still using this satellite.

    Then they done some kind of a deal with GMM and beamed some channels off Thaicom 5/6@ 78.5 both the Vinasat and the GMM ventures were on the KU band.

    So depending when you was unfortunate enough to subscribe to this miserable set up ,you're dish might or might not be pointing in the same direction to the Thaicom satellite

  3. You can turn the dish to pick up the likes of True visions if its a KU band dish,you will I think need another set top box.

    AFAIK you shouldn't actually need to turn it.

    AFAIK CTH KU band is beamed off the Vinasat satellite @ 131.8E

    I've used True, GMM, and CTH all without repointing the Ku band dish.

    If you go to lyngsat and check out the Vinasat 2 satellite @ 131.8E ( CTH ) and Thaicom 5 satellite @ 78.5E

    ( True visions) both on KU band the two satellites are pointing in different directions

  4. Good idea I will do that thank's for the advice. Has a matter of interest has anybody who has sent back a completed Life Certificate by whatever method recently to Wolverhampton had confirmation that it has been received by the relevant department at Newcastle?

    I sent the form off on the 6 July by air mail (29฿) then sent a email to explain why there was no stamp

    Received this email back 3 days ago

    Thank you for your email to Newcastle Pension Centre (International Group) dated 6 July 2016

    I have checked our mail handling site and your life certificate arrived with them on the 13th July 2016, this will be forwarded onto the relevant department to action.

    Yours Sincerely

  5. Round 2 looks as if it's started.

    Received a life certificate January 2015 and sent it off the same month.

    Just received another form today to be completed.

    Hope this is not going to happen every 18 months

    I wonder being born in Liverpool as anything to do with them checking up so quickly

  6. "Sounds like great fun for the guys taking the scenic route and enjoying cake at the Charin"

    This was his quote for the biker guys who went to offer there condolences on the Horrific tragedy of

    To answer his questions on were, what, who.

    The biker guys did know were. They were going, did know what they were going to do when they arrived at the school,
    Did know who to contact, did know we're the money was going.

    Chiangrai School fire Fund Raising

    Just to thank Steve for his hard work and to update everyone that a total of 162 thousand baht was Raised collectively.
    Steve and his wife went back to the school on the 3 rd June and the money was equally divided and given to each of the parents that suffered loss of their children or been injured in this horrific tragedy.

    Once again a big thank you to all those that supported the cause.

  7. Rafa is a good manager BUT the Liverpool connection and the small club jibe.Never!

    Maybe the board and owner would like it, but I think the fans would never accept it.

    I am not sure that beggars can be choosers!

    After Martinez a big name is probably needed to hold on to the likes of Stones, Barkley and Lukaku.

    I saw an Everton supporter being interviewed on television the other day. The interviewer gushed enthusiastically "How important is it for the new manager to keep top class players like Lukaku, Stones and Barkley at the club?"........Reply" They can go as well, none of them has put in shift for ages". Put that same question to John Dykes' brood i.e Curbishly, Hutchinson, Mills and you would have had a different reply. Rely on the fan on the street to tell it as it is.

    The fan is right

    Let them go,if the likes of Man city will pay 50 million for sterling and Chelsea what was it 38 million for Costa,I'm sure these 3 players would fetch over 100 million if they were transferred.

    These 3 players and most of the team as just gone through the motions the last 10 ? games, Stones as not been the same player since Jaglielka ? got injured,Barkley is a jekel and hyde one minute he's brilliant and the next minute he' cant put a pass together. We all know the potential Lukaku as,but he's a money man like most of the others,they bought him for 27 million so if they sell him for 40 million Kenwright would say that was good business.

    For years now the Everton fans have been let down by the team,even getting beat by Man u in the semifinal was bearable because as far as i was concerned it was a win win situation,if we got to the final " great" getting beat just put the final nail in the Martinez coffin.

    So now we will see the what this new owner is made of when a new manager is installed.


    Congrats to Leicester " great seasons performance "

  8. Do you mean the Pacquiao v Bradley scheduled for tomorrow morning Thai time.

    Not sure if it's being shown live,but check out True sport 6 or True sport 3 HD on true visions.

    The live fights on True generally start 8 am or 9 am

    Tried to get it, to no avail. Later I switched to Thai channel 7 and caught the inquest after the fight. Bloody Truevision. BT24,000 a year, for what? It's got to go.crazy.gif Thanks anyway. Did you get it it?

    I was surprised True visions did not show the fight,i put my plan B into operation and watched the Pacquiao fight and the Abraham fight on Premier sports with ilikehd,i scored mannys fight 116-110 Abraham was well beaten by the Mexican

  9. Remember to check out your 2 photos you need to send.

    They will reject them if they do not meet the requirements.

    Hopefully the chaos when they changed the rules is long behind us now,and the passport should be back within 6 weeks

    Good luck

  10. One of my hobbies here in Thailand is mountain biking. My approach to riding is very similar to the way I live in Thailand. I ride a high end bike cobbled together over the years of riding from aftermarket parts chosen for the way I ride.

    I ride the most beautiful trails I can find and I ride them as is. I embrace the obstacles and imperfections. Sure I try to ride the smoothest most fluid path but I do not curse the challenges which I encounter. I stop to take pictures and enjoy the beauty around me. I have no thoughts about changing or modifying the trail. If I dont like a particular trail I find another one which I find more enjoyable.

    In Thailand I try to surround myself with beauty and spend my time with intelligent, successful, worldly friends, mainly Thai, who speak softly and with a measured tone. Life is short and I dont want to spend it complaining about things I cannot change. The weather is what it is, so I dress and build my house accordingly. The easiest thing to modify is me and my attitude, not the people or society around me.

    Fancy having this RAMMED down your throat. for years

    Thats the Chiangrai Thaivisa forum

    Keep up the good work. The more you post the higher my numbers go.wai.gif

    Don't worry

    We will try harder next year

  11. One of my hobbies here in Thailand is mountain biking. My approach to riding is very similar to the way I live in Thailand. I ride a high end bike cobbled together over the years of riding from aftermarket parts chosen for the way I ride.

    I ride the most beautiful trails I can find and I ride them as is. I embrace the obstacles and imperfections. Sure I try to ride the smoothest most fluid path but I do not curse the challenges which I encounter. I stop to take pictures and enjoy the beauty around me. I have no thoughts about changing or modifying the trail. If I dont like a particular trail I find another one which I find more enjoyable.

    In Thailand I try to surround myself with beauty and spend my time with intelligent, successful, worldly friends, mainly Thai, who speak softly and with a measured tone. Life is short and I dont want to spend it complaining about things I cannot change. The weather is what it is, so I dress and build my house accordingly. The easiest thing to modify is me and my attitude, not the people or society around me.

    Fancy having this RAMMED down your throat. for years

    Thats the Chiangrai Thaivisa forum

  12. This is an example of what I have to put up with. Not one single positive contribution for years but still following me around like a little puppy trying to piss on my shoe. Grow up and try to move on with your life. I am sure you have better things to do than spend years trying to discredit me.

    Some people may think being drunk, obnoxious, vulgar and woefully underdressed is somehow praiseworthy but I do not. Fear the consequences from certain circles if mediocrity is not elevated to the level of supreme human achievement. We should all make an effort to improve things, not just tear people down, for suggesting that we can all do better.wai.gif

    I've got a couple of pet trolls that behave in a similar fashion, one is a Brit down Buriram way and the other is a Brit in Pattaya (there's something altogether not right with many of my fellow countrymen). One of the pair used to really wind me up with his lack of logic and fact, so much so that I really wanted to meet him for "a chat", not my style at all so that shows the degree to which his trolling was effective. Anyway, when push came to shove, the best he could manage was a long distance, remote and anonymous name calling, all hat and no cattle as JT might say, sounds like you've got similar - ignore 'em, his mum will see that he's not in his room pretty soon and give him a whack.

    If you think the TRUTH is trolling

    That just about sums you up

  13. VillageFarang, I don't understand why you're continuing to campaign for the POTY award here in the Chiang Mai forum. I popped over to the rather slow-moving Chiang Rai forum and couldn't see where you've started a campaign thread. Certainly Jingthing started one last year on his Pattaya forum. The closest I see to your campaign thread on the CR forum is one where you wish everyone Merry Christmas.

    You start out your wishes with, and I quote: "That includes my stalkers and uncharitable detractors on this forum, as well as my many friends. I am not the kind who harbors grudges, so best wishes to all." Wow, what a way to start a Christmas greeting post.

    I don't know what happened with the Chiang Rai forum, but I do know that it's dead, dead, dead and I've heard hints that there was a major ruckus that resulted in many people leaving and that ThaiVisa is no longer the premier forum for Chiang Rai. They say you may know something about that. I just hope nothing like that happens here in the Chiang Mai forum.

    Your so right Nancy

    Most of the Chiangrai expat residents have had it up to the teeth over the years, with this individual sitting on the back of the bus and sarcastically telling ordinary decent people " how to do things his way"

    And god forbid if you disagree with him.Then you are likely to be labelled " the dregs"the usual suspects"the shorts and flipflop brigade" and his latest quip why so many rid themselves of the Chiangrai forum and went elsewere is because they are all liars and bullies.

    There is none so blind as those who can not see

    After Spending 75% of the last 25 years living in Chiangrai,being married for over 23 years. And being the proud father of my daughter ( 22) and my son (17) i will swear on my kids lives that EVERYTHING i have just posted is the TRUTH.

    He would brand any ordinary decent resident of Chiangrai, unlike him, who have worked hard all their life in order to enjoy their retirement as "drunk" " obnoxious"and woefully underdressed if they have a social drink and wear shorts and flip flops.

    And when you talk about the dog pissing on your shoes, is that the same dog you have called your daughter in the past.Fancy calling a dog your daughter.

    You should get a life and move on hopefully to ply your trade in the likes of the Chiangmai forum so the residents of the Chiangmai forum can form their own opinion of you

  14. VillageFarang, I don't understand why you're continuing to campaign for the POTY award here in the Chiang Mai forum. I popped over to the rather slow-moving Chiang Rai forum and couldn't see where you've started a campaign thread. Certainly Jingthing started one last year on his Pattaya forum. The closest I see to your campaign thread on the CR forum is one where you wish everyone Merry Christmas.

    You start out your wishes with, and I quote: "That includes my stalkers and uncharitable detractors on this forum, as well as my many friends. I am not the kind who harbors grudges, so best wishes to all." Wow, what a way to start a Christmas greeting post.

    I don't know what happened with the Chiang Rai forum, but I do know that it's dead, dead, dead and I've heard hints that there was a major ruckus that resulted in many people leaving and that ThaiVisa is no longer the premier forum for Chiang Rai. They say you may know something about that. I just hope nothing like that happens here in the Chiang Mai forum.

    Your so right Nancy

    Most of the Chiangrai expat residents have had it up to the teeth over the years, with this individual sitting on the back of the bus and sarcastically telling ordinary decent people " how to do things his way"

    And god forbid if you disagree with him.Then you are likely to be labelled " the dregs"the usual suspects"the shorts and flipflop brigade" and his latest quip why so many rid themselves of the Chiangrai forum and went elsewere is because they are all liars and bullies.

    There is none so blind as those who can not see

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