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Posts posted by dressedingreen

  1. Maybe the younger brother is all touch feely because he is gay.

    That is a very real possibility. And I've considered the point. Even my GF has suggested it may be the case. But since they're very close I'd have thought she would have been the one to have known for certain. Good point though. Thanks for raising that one.

  2. Are you sure it is her brother and not her husband???




    OK, why are you sure that this is not her Thai boyfriend or husband?


    The hoardes of photos of her with her brothers and sisters, including the offending brother, going back to when they were kids. The photos of her with her ex-husband, who doesn't look a bit like her brother. The fact that her son, who lives with her ex-husband, calls him 'daddy' and not her brother. The family gatherings where all her brothers and sisters (2 of each) come together, and the family resemblance.

  3. Well there peobaly really close, nothing wrong with it, but My gf and her sister are also very close, not as close as your gf and brother though.

    Do you also have a problem her going out to pubs and clubs without you?

    No! But she's never asked to. So maybe I'd be tested if she did. So I guess I won't know until then. I'm still sorting through my feelings about this, hence the post in the hope of some cultural perspective.

    Thanks for replying.

  4. I came to Thailand this year, with the intention of staying. I met a Thai woman about 4 months ago, and we've gotten along particularly well. In most ways she's an ideal companion and lover. Like most Thais, she's close to her family. I've met most of them, and feel comfortable with the general culture of the family. One brother, however, (the youngest, as it happens ... 35 years old) is immature and appears really very needy. On the two occasions I've met him he's stuck to my girlfriend like they're joined at the hip. I've watched as he's fiddled with her hair, held hands with her some way beyond what would be acceptable for brothers and sisters in the west, whispered to her in seperate rooms, and generally been very touchy-feely.

    I've always regarded myself as very broad minded and open to the norms of other cultures. But I'm finding this oppressive and annoying. I've talked with her about it. She tells me she and her brother have always been close. When together, they often hold hands or walk with their arms around each other. People, she tells me, have mistaken them for boyfriend and girlfriend in the past. She is 39, BTW.

    I've never been the jealous type. That doesn't mean I'm incapable of such an emotion. And maybe this is what's going on for me. They seem to form their own little exclusive space when they're together. The last time he was with us he wanted to go dancing. I had to go to Cambodia the next day, so I didn't feel like joining them. They went with two female friends of my girlfriend, and a male friend of the brother. My girlfriend returned at 3am, apparently when the nightclub closed. I was annoyed because she woke me, and annoyed that she was out til that time, even though it was with her brother and friends. She didn't drink (as she mostly doesn't) and seemed perfectly ok.

    I'd like some feedback please, guys. I haven't been here for long enough to fully understand the Thai culture. Maybe this is normal. Maybe I'm taking it too seriously. I'm open to learning. So say what you feel.

    Many thanks

  5. It would help to know what drug you use as those that use it could answer. I use Alcon Travatan 40microgram/ml and believe it is one of the most expensive. I pay 1,122 for one month 2.5 ml bottle from major hospital here in Bangkok.

    Good point, Lopburi.

    I use

    2% Dorzolamide and 0.5% Timolol maleate (Cosopt) x 5ml

    0.3% Bimatoprost (Lumigan) x 3ml

    0.2% Brimonidine (Alphagan) x 5ml

    each month



  6. The most convenient bordercrossing for BKK and Pattaya is Ban Laem , a small place near SoiDao.

    No danger of Malaria as you not stay overnight.

    Cost for a VisaRun range between THB 1,800.- and THB 2,400.-.

    BKK operators ad's are in BKKPost , operators from Pattaya you can find in Soi Yamato,Soi Post office and along Soi Buakhao.

    The run itself takes between 8-10hours.

    Thanx VR :o

    That's helpful


  7. I have glaucoma and need 6 monthly eye pressure check ups and eye drops daily. I'm bringing 6 months supply with me to Pattaya/Bangkok. Any recommendations re best places for check ups and to get eye drops regularly would be appreciated. I've checked out online pharmacies re supply of drops, usually coming from UK or Canada. I tried Pattaya hospital re drops and they quoted around $30 for something i can get online for around $17. Any other glaucoma sufferers have any experience?



  8. I'm new to all this. But it occurs to me the solution would be to have 2 accounts. One in which to keep the 400,000, and another to draw from for everyday expenses. That way the balances would always match. The idiocy of all this is that bureaucracy achieves little. Anyone can pay in the required amount to get a visa extension, then draw it out again afterwards. It proves very little. But all governments in all countries produce hurdles for the sake pf producing hurdles. From what i'm reading on these boards it seems the Thai authorities care little about the institution of marriage, at least when a farang is involved.


  9. Arriving early June looking for small house to rent in quiet area, close to mini siam if poss. A/C bedroom essential. Internet access an advantage. Initial rental 1 month, maybe long term. Anyone point me in the direction of either good area, good agency, even good house. Peaceful position essential as i'm going to be studying there for a month.



  10. Vinny

    Thanks for the links



    That's very helpful. I will probably go that route. But a couple of comeback questions ... Any reason for using Hull in particular? What would you suggest i put where the form asks for duration of stay? I want to be around for at least a year but unsure whether to put '1 year', or less. Reading the accompanying instructions, it doesn't make it clear if there are any substantiating documents required for this purpose (investigating retirement options ...). Do you have experience of this?

    I appreciate the help and feedback.

    Many thanks


  11. Try posting in the visa section - they have very good advice there.

    Maybe just get a tourist visa for dtarters then when you have a kob you can go to Penang or Laos to get the appropriate one.

    You might get a business visa for a year in your country - phone the Thai consulate and ask them. Good luck!

    Thank you Neeranam.

    I did post also in the visa forum, just to cover both aspects.

    Appreciate your feedback.


    Neeranam's advice is reasonable. I took the Celta last July and just came in on a 30 day stamp at the airport. I returned to the US right after the course finished. It's not necessary to have any kind of visa to do the course. Be ready for some torture matey :D .

    Thanks mbkudu

    But I'm hoping to stay and teach without having to come back to the UK. If i can't get a teaching job fairly quickly i want to set up a small business there. I kinda like the place. Um ... should i sit down while you tell me about the 'torture'? :o


  12. Try posting in the visa section - they have very good advice there.

    Maybe just get a tourist visa for dtarters then when you have a kob you can go to Penang or Laos to get the appropriate one.

    You might get a business visa for a year in your country - phone the Thai consulate and ask them. Good luck!

    Thank you Neeranam.

    I did post also in the visa forum, just to cover both aspects.

    Appreciate your feedback.


  13. I have a CELTA (English teacher training course) in Bangkok starting in July for one month. I'm coming 4 weeks earlier to give myself some holiday/study time. I want to teach afterwards, maybe start a small business there. Was in Thailand back in 2000 and 2002 for a few weeks at a time. What would people advise is the best visa to apply for in the circumstances? I'm English, 53, well educated (grad.) and would like the least hassle re. visa renewal (I know i've got a lot to learn in this respect). I just sold my property in UK and will be very mobile shortly. Any help gratefully received. TIA.

  14. I have a CELTA (English teacher training course) in Bangkok starting in July for one month. I'm coming 4 weeks earlier to give myself some holiday/study time. I want to teach afterwards, maybe start a small business there. Was in Thailand back in 2000 and 2002 for a few weeks at a time. What would people advise is the best visa to apply for in the circumstances? I'm English, 53, well educated (grad.) and would like the least hassle re. visa renewal (I know i've got a lot to learn in this respect). I just sold my property in UK and will be very mobile shortly. Any help gratefully received. TIA.

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