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Posts posted by Cactus99

  1. Mexico city is a bad idea. A really bad idea. And so is the rest of Mexico. It is rife with crime and murder. The criminal gangs and drug gangs are in full control. YOU have ZERO control for your own safety. Police, even if they are not on the take they cannot help you. Don't let anyone give you the idea that Mexico is a practical option. There is a retirement abroad newsletter that tries to push Mexico all the time. Good luck and stay safe!

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  2. 2 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    You need not only tetanus but rabies vaccination unless you are 100% certain the dog was fully vaccinated.


    You can get this at any government hospital. if you are in CM city then Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital or Nakornping Hospital. If you are elsewhere in the province please advise where, or ask neighbors where the nearest government hospital is.


    You can go in through the ER for this. Don't delay, the sooner the rabies vaccine series is started the better.

    @Totoandlilly, listen to this advice from @Sheryl! I am an MD, and rabies is widespread in all of Thailand (as it is in Asia as a whole). You ABSOLUTELY NEED THE RABIES VACCINES IF YOU DON'T HAVE *VERIFIABLE* PROOF THAT THE DOG HAS BEEN VACCINATED. Rabies is terminal. You MUST get the vaccine immediately.

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  3. Dude, you were just the sperm donor, what did you expect! Haha! ;) But seriously. I find this strange. I would first communicate that the situation is not acceptable, and is not part of your culture. Then I would just start picking her up and when and if wife intervenes, correct her. I really don't see a problem here, unless your relationship with your wife is not typical or normal. What are you afraid of? 

  4. Feckless government. They take pride in rounding hapless overstayers always pictured with a large group of police and military and they can't figure out how to use those same resources to stop feral dog attacks? When you have this many attacks, that means the population of feral dogs is long out of control. This government, like many others these days has turned the world on its head. I fear that the government is just too corrupt and without integrity to do anything anymore other than scoring cheap points with the public by demonizing, harassing the same foreigners who brought hard currency to Thailand and help build it. My poor Thailand, how I loved you. The Thailand I loved has succumbed to all that is corrupt and anti-democratic. So aside from just being dog eat dog, its now dog eat human as the big dogs collect big salaries by doing absolutely nothing of significance...  ????

    • Like 1
  5. Thailand is safer than many places, for walking, shopping taking transport. I lived in Luton for nearly 4 years and you really had to watch yourself. I'm 6'4" and even I was concerned. Worse on soccer game days. 20 and 30 somethings will get drunk and start beating on people for no reason. I never had a problem in Thailand - day or night. I don't hang out in the bars though and avoid dodgy areas and folks.

    • Like 1
  6. There is an approved vaccine that came out in 2016, by Sanofi. Dengue is a wildcard that can kill. As a fourth year medical student in the Philippines, I helped to look after, wards worth of Dengue fever sufferers. Too many died. Children, teens, older people, people with compromised immune systems. Take Dengue very seriously. Learn the symptoms and signs. Take all precautions available.

  7. There is an approved vaccine that came out in 2016, by Sanofi. Dengue is a wildcard that can kill. As a fourth year medical student in the Philippines, I helped to look after, wards full of Dengue fever sufferers in Manila. Too many died. Children, teens, older people, people with compromised immune systems. Take Dengue very seriously. Learn the symptoms and signs. Take all precautions available. (as opposed to listening to those trivializing the threat above who are speaking out of their bum).


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  8. 1 hour ago, atyclb said:



    i appreciate your input as many here do. i never said one should not seek medical consultation for possible health problems. i am genuinely interested in learning and open to researching information related to questions raised on topics. sorry if posting my experience at chula hospital upset you.

    I just read a response to my last post and responded, I didn't read about your experience a Chula hospital? Glad you sought treatment. I hope all goes better than expected. Be well.

    • Like 1
  9. Listen, I jumped on this thread because 1) It sounded like you were really looking for or in need of assistance 2) You were getting really, really bad advice that could cost you your health. I have no skin in this game. I thought you may want to get some medically sound advice from an actual M.D. But it seems you are strangely interested in a debate over either what you read or what I wrote? So in the end, you've spent several days online instead of taking an hour or so to follow simple and sound advice and get tested by the best people in the most reliable and reputable place? I don't get it? But as my friend's father always tells me "no good deed goes unpunished..." 


  10. 10 minutes ago, atyclb said:


    thank you for your reply. a physician i have known for several decades trained and licensed in the united states had told me that azithromycin is commonly used and could even be called a first line drug of choice given no contraindications like drug allergy. are you saying you would not use azithromycin for applicable std's but reserve it for respiratory tract infections?


    theres tons of reputable medical sites such as emedicine,  webmd, etc etc that show azithromycin is very commonly used for a slew of applicable std's.



    std's as far as i know are very commonly treated by general practitioners, primary care doctors, gynecologists. from what you wrote it seems patients should see an infectious disease specialist. i always thought infectious disease specialists are consulted by other more primary care and/or surgical doctors when they need help with complex cases and/or are encountering resistance. 






    Azithromycin in the treatment of sexually transmitted disease.


    One hundred and eighty-two patients were enrolled in a randomized third-party blinded study to assess the efficacy and safety of azithromycin in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. Three regimens of azithromycin, including a single oral dose, were compared with a standard treatment with doxycycline. The patients were followed for four weeks. Efficacy was evaluated in 168 patients (113 azithromycin, 55 doxycycline). Fourteen patients had negative cultures or did not come for all follow-up visits. Of the 168, 138 were infected with Chlamydia trachomatis, 43 with Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and 45 with Ureaplasma urealyticum. Ninety-six per cent of patients with chlamydial infections and 92% of those with gonorrhoea were cured with azithromycin. Two patients infected with N. gonorrhoeae, four with C. trachomatis and six with U. urealyticum had positive cultures on follow-up visits after receiving azithromycin. Of these 11 patients with positive cultures on follow-up visits, seven (five with U. urealyticum and two with C. trachomatis) violated the protocol by having intercourse with infected individuals during the study. Azithromycin was very well tolerated; one patient complained of mild abdominal pain shortly after receiving the drug, seven patients complained of mild nausea and two patients had mild diarrhoea.


    Cheryl, hit one of the nails on the head when she said :There is no better way to end up with multidrug resistant STD than to repeatedly self medicate with antibiotics without benefit of medical diagnosis and follow up."

    1) Doctors are having terrible difficulties saving peoples lives right now because of antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections. Most doctors want to preserve azithromycin because it is still good for respiratory tract infections - and we don't have many other options if that becomes resistant. So even if azithromycin can be used - it is neither the preferred choice or the best choice.


    2) You have no bloody idea what infections you have or don't have? While you seem to be a smart fellow who knows how to research subject matter on the internet, you are not a doctor. You are unfamiliar with why doctors do what they do (treatment protocols). You are unfamiliar with the testing you need. And you are unfamiliar with diagnosis. You are trying to skip accountability and put your health at risk, and maybe your life by avoiding a simple visit to a clinician for testing. C'mon mate, you are not the first person to be in your position. It is unremarkably common. So, stop the denial. Stop considering self treatment. Get it done. It's just a blood draw?


    3) If you're concerned about and worried about your health, I have one important bit of advice - GO TO THE BEST, MOST QUALIFIED DOCTOR AVAILABLE - Whether it's STD's, a surgery, or cancer. Sure you can go to an OB-GYN, a GP or anyone else choosing to hang a shingle out on a store front to make money off someones misery, without any notable expertise - But why would you, when you can see an expert in a properly staffed and equipped hospital?? This is your health! You're not looking for the cheapest beer or least expensive rice cooker! At a minimum - see an Internist (Internal medicine doctor) or any doctor in a good hospital in their department that takes care of these things, whether it's called infectious disease or not. Treatment protocols change. Testing methods change. The guy in the store front may not have access to best or most current testing.


    4) There is a saying that "a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing". Stop researching. You have all the info you need. And you have read a lot of the absolute worst advice by shear, bored idiots I have ever seen on this thread. Go to a proper hospital that takes care of foreigners (If they have JCI accreditation, that would be best) and get this taken care of! Get your blood drawn, get the results, you'll get a prescription for medication if necessary, and you'll return for a follow up to make sure you are cleared of any nasties you might have. EASY PEASY! And you *WILL* start carrying and using condoms!! Time to grow up already and do right by yourself and your life! You have worth, my friend. Once again, good luck...

  11. 21 hours ago, atyclb said:



    doctor, is there any truth to the claim azithromycin effectively treats multiple different sexually transmitted diseases?

    Azithromycin is generally reserved for and has a high degree of efficacy in treating respiratory tract infections, pneumonia etc. Because different infections have various levels resistance to each antibiotic, it's critical not to self-medicate, but to actually find out what *exactly* you have so an infectious disease specialist can get you the right course of medications/treatment for the right amount of time for each infection, if there is more than one.  And then a follow-up test to be sure they actually worked! In some cases, a second round of antibiotics may be in order.

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  12. 3 hours ago, harrycallahan said:

    A whole bunch of things fall into the Sexually Transmissible Infection category so there is no single test. If you don't have obvious symptoms you can rule most out. Start by looking at your pecker. It's said a HIV infection starts with an extreme bout of illness then subsides. Hep is another you have to worry about. HIV and Hepatitis are all you need to test for the rest will show up as warts, blisters, painful urination etc. If you have either of those you're in trouble for the rest of your shorter than average life. 

    The above is the WORST ADVICE EVER - and it is just plain wrong! Many Sexually transmitted diseases including HIV don't present with immediate symptoms. You are right to want to get checked and you want to make sure it's by an office, clinic or hospital that is credible with a dependable infectious disease department and up to date, inspected equipment. Just like in other areas in Thailand and across Asia - there are a lot of counterfeit supplies, medicines, testing in the medical industry. What good are tests, if you don't have confidence that they are actually accurate? Don't take chances with your health. If you have contracted something, you need to know and start treatment immediately. If it were me or my brother, I would say skip the storefront clinics and go to an actual hospital where you know they will have the equipment, personnel and medical expertise to take care of you. There are good JCI accredited hospitals in all major areas of Thailand. This kind of testing will be routine for them. If in Bangkok, head to Bumrungrad Hospital - super modern, clean, efficient. I've been there myself. I am also a Medical Doctor, myself. Good luck. And please keep condoms with you if you are going to be sexually active. ???? 


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  13. F*cking shameful. What the hell is happening to Thailand. Instead of getting better it's actually becoming less sophisticated, less advanced, less kind.  There was a magic here once. For a long time, it was a mostly peaceful, gentle & kind society. Now, violence and disregard for locals and non-locals have taken hold and accepted by the society. Both unbelievably maddening and sad at one at the same time. ????

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    • Haha 1
  14. I have both purchased and fixed at Puntip Plaza over the years. There are so many repair shops. They have seen everything and can repair anything, most of the time immediately or within an hour or so. MUCH cheaper than in the U.S. I'm sure the other locations noted like Fortune, can do the same thing. Save yourself the hassle and expense and do it in Thailand. It's a no brainer.

  15. You watched the vlog and you never gave a donation, nor did anyone compel you to donate, so whats your issue exactly? I mean besides you having too much time on your hands, and that you are attention seeking, annoying and are reducing someones bandwith...

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