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Posts posted by Regel

  1. I've be living on TR visas but soon gonna switch to my first ED.


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I see no difference in ED-visa vs TR-visa procedure regarding proving proof of residence. I.e. no proof required. They have the same application/extension forms where you're supposed to fill in your address in Thailand but no proof of that address is expected.


    I didn't abuse the policy while being on TR since I stayed at one place, and it's not my plan to abuse it on ED either. But I do know I WILL be changing places and living most of the time NOT at the place I note in the forms. 


    So my question is: how is the ED-visa residency info checked? I know that owners are required to file TM30 form on residents and in theory everything can be checked. But probably it is not (on general basis).  So I'm here mostly after De Facto rather than De Jure info, i.e. you personal experiences like: 

    "I used to change places whenever I want and just wrote my current one in the forms. Everything was ok."


    "I actually lived in a different province and used to come to town just for 2 days for visa extension and wrote my 2-day guesthouse address in the form. No problems."


    "I got under immigration check and they figured I wasn't living by the given address so they canceled my visa and gave be 5-yr ban"


    Any experiences will do.



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