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Everything posted by JCP108

  1. Update: though wife got her medical clearance on July 9, the soonest appointment for the final interview was September 21.
  2. I thought same-sex marriage was ruled unconstitutional in Thailand.
  3. If you ever think "okay, this is the craziest idea, ever" then, just wait a week.
  4. There are some countries that do specifically not allow dual or triple citizenship. Germany, for example, does not allow triple citizenship, but allows dual. My daughter has triple with one being German (so, we just didn't mention one of the others to the German consulate and everything goes along just fine). It seems the U.S. doesn't care about triple passports at all.
  5. I thought Covid extensions ended a long time ago.
  6. I had this happen with my most recent e-visa. Wife wrote the letter in Thai though neighbor translated it into English. Didn't have that requirement was my visa before that. It's new.
  7. I rarely rent scooters in Thailand due to always being asked to leave my passport as a deposit (nope). Anyone know of any scooter rental places on Koh Chang that take cash deposits? Going there soon.
  8. For realism: Be sure to vent the gas coming off the garbage into areas like the deck for the pool or where people walk to go to the breakfast buffet.
  9. Maybe he's been reading stuff like this (which includes data from Thailand): https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/coronavirus-excess-deaths-tracker
  10. Isn't Singapore really clean and people follow the rule of law there?
  11. Doesn't she need the green card to get back into the U.S. if she travels? Waiting that long would be quite a hindrance if so. Or, am I wrong and a person can go out and back in before getting the green card?
  12. We initially applied in August 2020 and looks like she will get her final interview in August 2022 (just got her final medical clearance today). So, entire visa process: 24 months. I have heard about the green card issues and do plan to contact my reps. The green card is her visa back into the U.S. if we travel after she gets here, right? Don't want to wait years to be able to travel.
  13. This is a very good point. I own my own business which is located in the U.S. and I pay taxes in the U.S. My income from that business is $89-90k/year. But, it's my own business, not with some super big company. So, I would not qualify, right? Lots of digital nomads would qualify for the money requirement but be just like me as they would be individual businesses not tied to a large company.
  14. You must be familiar with the Thai Pass system, then.
  15. No Sh!t! I've lived in Thailand for years and having grown up in the U.S. (where there actually are trash cans everwhere that actually get emptied by people), I continually end up with a wrapper or something in my hand and look around for the nearest trash can then, duh!, I'm in Thailand where there are none. I have to carry it around or stick it in my pocket or something. If they really get serious about attracting "better" tourists, they are going to have to install trash cans, public restrooms, get rid of those cables, and fix the sidewalks. Oh, and actually start fining the motorcyclists who ride on those sidewalks. That would be a start.
  16. This is a new glitch. I did the e-visa exactly the same way with no glitches in November 2021.
  17. That's a good question. After I uploaded the image of my passport, the form populated the relevant boxes with the information on my passport which includes my full name with my middle name spelled out. When I typed my name in, I spelled it out. There was no place where I typed only my middle initial and no document I uploaded had only my middle initial. It seems that their system changed my middle name to my middle initial on its own (then inconveniently rejected me for that change).
  18. I recently submitted an application for an e-visa to come to Thailand from the U.S. I have used that system before without any issues. However, this time, something happened that made them reject my initial application (thus causing me to lose my non-refundable application fee). On the second of the four screens for the application you enter your name (and any former names if yours has changed). At the bottom of the screen are two buttons, "save" and "continue". I entered all the information on that screen and hit "continue" as on most such online forms that button is a combo save and continue. In fact, it did retain all that information which meant that it did work as both save and continue. However, what I failed to notice when I get to the very last step on the last of the four screens is that when I hit "done" and a box popped up with my basic information that the system had changed my name from my full name with my middle name spelled out to my name with just my middle initial. I had entered my full name spelled out but the system converted it to having only my middle initial. I didn't catch that because all my life, 99.99% of the time, I see my name with only my middle initial. It looked normal to me. So, I submitted. Then a few days later I got an email saying my application was rejected due to my name not matching my passport and it specifically said because my middle name had to be spelled out. It said that this issue could not be corrected and a new application would have to be submitted (thus costing me another application fee). So... I went back and started a new e-visa application. I did all the same things (including spelling out my middle name) and when I got to the "done" button at the end and the box popped up for me to review... The system had again changed my name to only have my middle initial even though I carefully entered my full name on that eariler screen. I went back and spelled out my name on the second screen and again at the end, it had changed my name to only have my middle initial. I figured out that on that second screen, if you only hit "continue", it would change my name. If I hit "save" and then "continue" it would retain the info as I entered it without changing anything. So, do that to avoid any issues with your application if you use that system.
  19. Thanks for posting. It looks like your process of much, much quicker than ours and others to whom I have spoken. We were documentarily qualified in July, 2021. We did get an interview notification which originally allowed us to schedule for June. However, wife's medical clearance is taking longer than expected and we can't reschedule until that gets finished (prob later this month).
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