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Everything posted by JCP108

  1. Thanks. Also, I contacted my hotel and they said that they will pick me up at the airport and drive me by their partner hospital for the test even though I arrive so late at night. Apparently, the hospital does do the tests 24/7. So, that is a relief to know that I don't have to wait until the morning to get the test.
  2. I don't care about the ratio of successful to unsuccessful when I see so many reports on AN and FB travel pages of people not being able to use the system.
  3. Thanks. So, I am scheduled to arrive on 11/28 at 00:05. I was going to book 11/27-11/28 for the one night required. Sounds like if I do that then the system will give me the same problem you did. So, I need to negotiate with the hotel to actually book me for 11/28-11/29, right?
  4. I am happy that the quarantine time was reduced as it is a factor in my choice to return to Thailand. It is less arduous. And, it is a quarantine. So, you can't call it not a quarantine with intellectual integrity. You can't. If that article is too old for you, for real time reports of the status of the Thailand Pass system, you can see people responding in real time here: https://aseannow.com/topic/1237582-thailand-pass-is-up-and-running/
  5. Should work and does work are not the same. I'm seeing many reports of that document being rejected for lack of passport number. Insane.
  6. There's this... https://bangkokherald.com/business/tech/thailand-pass-is-live-and-its-a-mess-as-expected/
  7. How can they include both of these sentences in the same paragraph? "Mandatory quarantine is not required for the low-risk groups." and... "They must stay in either a SHA+ (Safety and Health Administration Plus) hotel or an Alternative Quarantine hotel for one night until they get their Covid-19 RT-PCR test result." Confused. Here's a summary of how well the ThailandPass is working: https://bangkokherald.com/business/tech/thailand-pass-is-live-and-its-a-mess-as-expected/
  8. https://bangkokherald.com/business/tech/thailand-pass-is-live-and-its-a-mess-as-expected/
  9. Looks like the Thailand Pass is sooooo much better than the COE! Tourists will be flooding in any minute!
  10. Change it in the online form or change your booking with the hotel?
  11. Right. Do they wear the PPE when interacting with (the many, unvaccinated) travelers on domestic flights? Or, is this to just reaffirm the narrative that foreigners are dirty and dangerous?
  12. PPE clothing (gowns, gloves, etc...) only provides a protection function if you take it all off and re-suit up between each interaction with different people. That's why you suit up at a hospital when you enter a room, then take it all off as you exit. Interactions with more than one person with the same gloves, etc., is the same as not wearing it at all. (Masks are different as they keep your spittle in no matter how many people you talk to.)
  13. I'm seeing lots of reports online of troubles with the new ThailandPass. Apparently, when it asks for documents, you can only upload a .jpg. It won't accept .pdf. Also, in places, it asks for more than one piece of information but will only allow you to upload one file. So, you have to combine them yourself before uploading. Also, the file size is limited to 2 mb apparently. Many people reporting that at the end they get errors when uploading.
  14. Saw photos of the airport on the site that can't be named. Funny thing: the airport workers are wearing PPE suits (gown, hair cap, mask, gloves). One thing to know about wearing PPE is: unless you take it all off after you interact with each person and suit up again with new items, they are USELESS. I have worked in the medical field for two decades. You can get fired from a hospital for walking out of a patient's room without taking your items off correctly and walking into a second patient's room. If a person with a gloved hand asks for, and touches, my passport then touches another person's passport with the same glove, that's the same as all of that happening with no glove.
  15. Thanks. But, I'm interested in Bangkok. I know on Phuket they do them at the airport. Completely different process for arrivals to Bangkok.
  16. I hope someone who arrives late or early posts a report of how their hotel handled the swab. Hard to imagine that process running 24/7. My flight arrives at midnight.
  17. I suppose before I make my booking I will contact the hotel to see what they are doing with late/early arrivals.
  18. I am interested in hearing a report from someone arriving late at night or early in the morning to see if the hospitals doing the testing on the way to the hotel are operating 24/7. My flight is scheduled to arrive in Bangkok around midnight. If they follow the plan to stop off at the hospital on the way to my one- to two-day quarantine hotel, can they really perform the test at, say, 2:00 a.m.?
  19. The data Thailand has reported throughout the pandemic suggest that the country has limited testing ability in regards to number of tests per day (for example strange plateaus in the curves of rising daily cases). Is there any discussion anywhere about Thailand adding additional labs or resources to handle the expected extra thousands of PCR tests required under this new program?
  20. They are doing that now with: "This is not a quarantine."
  21. The figures probably include all the people dropping off and picking up passengers at the airport. I arrive in a plane. A man arrives in a taxi to take me to the hotel. That's two arrivals.
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