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Posts posted by Lacessit

  1. On 9/21/2017 at 11:41 AM, Thian said:

    And i don't see the problem, better sell them instead of dumping it...


    I'm always amazed how many travellers are arguing with the security about liquids found in their hand luggage.  Almost non-stop there are liquids found by the scanners and mostly it's from ladies who want to bring make-up stuff onboard.

    It's a racket. It shows how idiotic the rules are when liquids are restricted in carry-on luggage, and it's open slather on hold luggage.

    Recently, I had to surrender two mosquito racquets in my hold luggage because of the batteries. How many battery-powered laptops and smart phones go on board the average flight?

    AND nothing at all was said about the 3 bottles of whisky I had in my suitcase, although they must have shown up on the scanner.

    As they say, you can't fix stupid.


  2. On 8/27/2017 at 5:02 PM, Spock said:

    You can buy booze duty free for Australia but it needs to be delivered to you at the gate. You also need to allow at least an hour for delivery. I asked 2 days ago at duty free and was also told it is cheaper to buy in Australia duty free on arrival, which is probably true.

    It's far cheaper to buy whisky in any liquor store in Thailand, package it properly and put it in your hold luggage. Bells Scotch in Thailand currently AUD 14 for a 700 ml bottle. Comparable brand in Aldi in Australia >AUD 30.

  3. For me, it's more of an aesthetics question. I have no problem with a guy who has a six-pack of abs and built like a Greek god going shirtless, or  women with cute butts wearing short shorts.

    It's when I see a man of any nationality parading around with a belly bigger than his chest shirtless, or women with thighs like tree trunks complete with cellulite trying to wear shorts two sizes too small,  that I have to think they are totally unaware of how unappealing they look.

  4. 17 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    1. Don't believe I can catch HIV as a heterosexual male (* CDC agrees, but you feel free to believe different).

    2. I seem to be immune to herpes (only known 1 guy badly affected by it and that was really nasty)



    Possibly you haven't met the right ( wrong ) girl yet. I agree HIV transmission risk for a heterosexual male ( vaginal ) sex is very low; however, it is not zero. For example, unprotected sex with a woman who is menstruating.

    The point I was making is antibiotics only work against bacterial infections. They do diddly squat against a viral infection.

  5. 5 hours ago, KhaoNiaw said:

    That's really the only serious theory but the arguments for it don't pass scientific analysis or explain why they occur at a specific and predictable time each year. 

    There's a Thai film called ๑๕ ค่ำ เดือน ๑๑ which puts it down to a monks at a local temple, setting the fireballs in the river. A good film actually and worth watching whether you're interested in the fireballs or not. 

    The arguments for it don't pass scientific analysis? What scientific analysis has been done?

    The ecology/biology of the river where they occur could well explain why events take place at a predictable time. Just as mass migrations of birds and animals can be explained. It's just a matter of finding the right data.

  6. Chiang Mai Erotic Gardens for the broad-minded. Google it. Plenty of restaurants for lunch. Studio 51 on the 121 for authentic Thai food. Alpaca cafe on the 1317 for a very good marinara. Butter is Better on Changkhlan or Dukes near the Nawarat Bridge for American style. Antonio's for Italian. Buffet at the Siripanna Resort very good, 189 baht PP. Most expensive, but a great dining experience is Le Coq D'or in Nong Hoi. About 3000 baht PP.

    Further afield, San Kamphaeng Hot Springs or Mon Chaem. Don't go there in the weekends. Wat Sang Kaew Phothiyan after Wiang Pa Pao, Charin Gardens is famous for its cakes and pies. On the 181 to Chiang Rai. White Temple on Highway 1; however IMHO Wat Sang Kaew Phothiyan is ten times better.

    After Chiang Rai, there's Doi Tung, Doi Mae Salong, Mae Sai, Chiang Saen. Or take the Thoeng road to Phu Chi Fa. Plenty of reasonably priced accommodation in Chiang Rai.

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