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Posts posted by DJ_Illusion

  1. Whatever those smiles are ment for as far as i noticed all english teachers i came in contact with here specially when they are drunk behave like dogs, and putting myself in a thai mans shoe i would think of any farang that has come here to work as teacher in most cases so he can hang around for the women, i would be pissed that he is screwing the women of my country while they wouldnt even look at me cause i aint got money or half of his charm, as pissed as i am already if he even trys to provoke me or call me names, knowing that i am much smaller in size, i would use a weapon in that case and with a few drinks involved my emotions would vanish at the slightest thing that pisses me off.

    Bottom line, my point is try to behave yourselves out there so called "english teachers" or i am pretty sure that as long as the so called "english teacher" rate is increasing here, so will the murder rate.

  2. There is another thing now, the registration number, again how can i have a registration number and my company is still not registered. They are asking me for a number on the application :o i thought that after i reserve the company name i will be given a registration number but its not like that. anybody with experience in company registration ? cheers

  3. Alright then, just thought i would drop a question on here thinking maybe someone who has experience with bars or frequents karaoke bars in bangkok knows some specific reason for the prices being exactly the same, it figures the owner seems to lack experience or is too lazy to study his prices a little more and decided to just put the same prices on everything excluding the alcoholic beverages.

    I should have noticed that before i post this question since its obvious most of the poeple running karaoke bars in bangkok seem to have came into this business outta the blue with no background whatsoever in the entertainment industry.

  4. Like, i guess what I mean is, like you're not in another country now, you're in, like Thailand. And well, what I mean is, that is how things are here.

    dude i rather you stay clear of my topics, you absolutely seem to know nothing about the entertainment business specailly in thailand and in any case the moderators are scubing your posts off so dont waste your precious time and look for other posters to pick on, ok?

  5. I just been to a karaoke bar here in bangkok and what suprised me is, the way they put the prices. i mean they are dirt cheep like 80-90 baht for a large heineken bottle, wow, but what was more the case is the other prices like i would pay 15 baht for a bucket of ice while a soft drink, soda, orange juice, bottle of water would all cost the same as the bucket of ice?? :o what i think logically the ice should be cheaper than the pepsi, small of water and the soda while the orange juice should be more expensive like that would make more sence...

    like wherever i been in the world thats how i works... :D how does this work with these karaoke bars in bangkok? Does anyone know anything about that ? i would appreciate any explainations. Thanks

  6. Hey nice to see electronic dance music lovers in thailand, that acually dont use drugs hehe, that includes me ofcourse :D hope one day thai's would give up this hip hop thing and listen to what really gives out the message, when someone wants to have a good time.

    alex, steve you guys dont mind if i add you to my list do u ?



    Well, hip hop is ok, but it seems that the wave is heading to hip POP, i mean all that stuff that just came out... :D , I used to like hip hop when I had Vanilla Ice, DMX, RUN DMC, even the lately ones, PD, 50 Cents, Usher, etc...but this, holla back and all that sick stuff...isn't really aybody out there wantys to listen to music, not only electronic and house, I love all kind of music except the hard rock and heavy stuff, but this???

    OK to add me DJ, I will too, maybe we can get together sometimes in BKK

    hey alex yea yea vanilla ice i still remember the words to ice ice baby haha, 50 cents got some cool tunes for sure, so does usher and pd. I guess weither its thailand or even iceland hip hop seems to be more main stream than electronic dance, i guess music with no singing in it sounds kinda boreing to most poeple if your not in a party mood, my ex used to say thats not a song to dance or listen to, thats just a sound track or background music for a movie :o

    Well i am going to be in Bangkok this week 19th looking forward for that, though must say not looking forward to sitting in the plane for 7 hours :D i guess its worth it.

    Laters :D

  7. Hey everyone, well a friend of mine just recently aquired a pub in bangkok, but she has no experience, she just wanted to gain some experience from the pub itself, now she buys the alcohol from tesco lotus, from the sound of it thought thats probably gonna be alot more expensive by the end of each month.

    I tried to advise her if she tries to check out some alcohol suppliers in bangkok, but she said tesco is the same price :o i really think its not. Anyone know any good cheep suppliers in bangkok to check out, (maybe someone who owns a bar/pub in bangkok can give some tips) i would really appreciate it. Thanks :D

  8. This BOI sounds good so how about if i was to setup a company for anything that lies under this BIO get excempted from tax for 8 years, my company will be 100% foreign owned and then apply for a pub licence ? would it work like that?

    Which brings me to the subject about a pub licence, is there such thing as pub/bar licence in thailand ? as far as i know there is alcohol licence and cigarettes licence which was as far as i remember from the revenue department, what about the pub/bar licence? :o

  9. Number of reasons why it went south...

    Franchise Royalty fee was too high. They had to pay 8% royalty

    to the UK then 7% Vat to the government on every drink.

    It was so high profile. 5 different Police groups wanted money every month. You get a raid and kills your trade. Not much money in having people stand around peeing in a bottle instead of drinking beer. (You are dead meat if one person is carrying drugs or is underage. Lots of stress worrying if your competitor is setting you up. 30 day closure if it happens. )

    DJ's prices are a killer. They had to pay $25,000 for one night for a headliner.

    Place was so big. People would compare it to the Q Bar and say the Q Bar was packed. Put the same # of people in the MOS and it was a dent. People feed off people.

    The VIP lounges looking down on the dance floor didn't work well. Even “important people” want to be part of the action.

    The one less hour killed them when it went from 1 a.m. from 2 a.m.. 40% of the night’s trade can be in the last hour.


    Wow! Well it seems like an awful lot of reasons. Sure thing though, is that they knew about the franchise royalty fees before they even start building, or about the DJ's prices, But what i mean to say is that we are talking about the ministry of sounds here, its not any nightclub it is an internationaly recognised name and not only known for their nightclub but also have their own DJ's, Producers, Dancers etc. The way you are puting it sounds to me like a few guys that were successful in the UK so one day decided to open up a second branch somewhere in asia, they picked out thailand in a lottery and went ahead with it.

    What happened with the marketing research? business plan? demographic research? or even dealing with a lawyer firm that would introduce them to the rules and regulations and how things go in that country, Like the 5 different police groups that wanted money, i really dont understand this, is it kind of a legal action? if i am doing good or if i own a successful upscale nightclub in thailand that means i have to expect police raids, pay or get my place closed or get framed, can't my lawyer protect me from such raids?

    About the underage drinking or drugs being in the club, well what happened to their security team or bouncers ministry of sounds are sure known for having the best bouncers in the world unless they went cheap on that issue.

    have to say though, i would'nt entirely agree about the VIP lounge or the place being so big i mean again its the ministry of sound night club we are talking about If they did a solid marketing plan they would be getting patrons from all over SE asian so it better be big or it wouldnt be even worth the big leap in the first place. Totally agree with you on the closeing time must have killed their profits badly and who saw it coming...?Cheers! :o

  10. The problem with paying the landlord more up front when he has not asked for it is that he may think that you are a soft touch and he may try to get higher increases at a later date.

    If the landlord and the purchaser cannot agree, then there are many more business to look at...or even start one up from scratch.

    Is it Possible to start one up from scratch in Thailand ? I heard Foreigners are not alowd to own land nor Solely own the property on it in thailand true or false?

  11. It was so Exciting for me when i found out that the ministry of sounds in UK is going to open up its first nightclub outside the UK, even more exciting that they picked thailand out while they had alot of other better choices, i dont know why thailand exactly but i would think that the ministry of sounds nightclub in UK was getting enough crouds from all over europe and the usa and thought that there is a big market in asia so they picked thailand it being in the middle of the SE asian countries thats in my opinion, anyways, when i got to thailand for the very first time, the night i deceided to go to the ministry of sounds nightclub, first it was so hard to get to it since no one seemed to know what it was to begin with. Finally after getting to it i asked around and they said its been closed since 6 months!

    anybody got any clue what happened why did they close? or anybody been there when it was opened ? i really would like to know anything about them. cheers

  12. I don't quite understand how you can purchase a three story Patong Nightclub with a healthy brain and/or body. Perhaps you have chosen to downgrade until you learn the ropes? :D

    He was looking into in buying the three storey shop-house in Patong.

    He ended up backing out and declining to buy.

    Thank you Sir Burr :o what can you say totally ignorant and just comes exactly in time to prove my point.

  13. Bkk,

    spot on, i think any one could have said it any better, i noticed that everywhere i go weither to the ministry of commerce, banks or police, the way they deal with foreigners its so obvious what BKK is Implying.

    Its also obvious when they tell you that hey we would open our arms to welcome you if you are gonna benefit the kingdom but rather make your life a living hel_l if your just plan to open up a business and genarate alot of profits and transfer the profits outside the kingdom for example Tesco lotus the government is killing these guys with tax.

  14. \) well you see thats why ideas like re-decorating, changing staff uniform, changing the theme of the club were invented, along with a solid marketing plan should do the trick as far as i am concerned

    Wow! .. What revolutionary business ideas!. You should hurry up and get patents on these "inventions" before they get stolen.

    OK simmo since your such a good forcast master and very good at solving problems? tell me what would you do if you realized one day that you are looseing business to some newly opened club just around the corner from you?

  15. The landlord will probably be Thai/Chinese, he will "call in" on a regular basis and you will get on well, when the lease is due for renewal he will jack up the price X2 orX3 (depends how well you are doing) You will either pay or go, he won't care, he will just wait for the next "punter"

    This happens everywhere in Thailand, the T/C landlords are smart cookies, they don't give long leases (awaiting someone to post that they have a 50 year lease from a T/C landlord).

    SO What in your opinion is a good solution to this ? is there a solution or do i have to keep moving on from place to place until i find a decent place to buy off? that is if there is a place to just buy off as far as i have been told in patong there is no such thing as buy for good

  16. Sir Burr now we are talking... what took you so long ? :D well you see thats why ideas like re-decorating, changing staff uniform, changing the theme of the club were invented, along with a solid marketing plan should do the trick as far as i am concerned this is how it works around the world i dont know in thailand if it would work too that is why i wanted poeple like you to enlighten me on what works in thailand.

    About the landlord jacking up the price at the end of the lease i am guessing i should build a good relationship with him maybe if he likes the way i do business and doesnt want me to leave he would change his mind about boasting up the price for the next contract thats my opinion what is yours?

    IF someone does copy my ideas well then lets see how well they do it, i mean thai's are very popular for copying, that i know, or if someone does point a gun to my head and tell me to leave how about getting to know poeple in high places or keep the right poeple happy? shouldnt that solve the problem? looking forward for your reply. cheers :o

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