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Posts posted by micheal

  1. I realise you are only joking :o

    However I don't feel comfortable with the way that some posts are moderated. I TOTALLY realise that the forum rules clearly state that moderation is not to be discussed and i COMPLETELY accept that and will not enter into my feelings here out of respect for the rules.

    However i no longer wish to have my information stored by the site.

    I also don't really feel i should be banned as such (which i am not i hasten to add).

    I see in another post that a members email was deleted from the database by admin.

    I would humbly request that i be afforded this service. It seems very odd that one cannot leave the forum accept by being banned?

  2. Indeed...the Colonials do have a habit of re-writing history.

    Most Americans believe

    they invented the internet (they didn't)

    they invented the automobile (they didn't)

    they invented rocketry (they didn't)

    its a very long list

    and of course they are not above re-writing history (the recent U157 movie being a case in point)

    Shame really.

    and the ignorance goes on

    more than 50% of Americans think that

    Aparthied is (was) a headache remedy

    Central American means Kansas

    And less than 20% read book daily

    Oddly enough i have nothing against America...all countries do dumb/bad/evil/clever/good/laudable things...

    Just that few since the British Empire have been quite so arrogant about thier own stupidity...and i am British.

  3. not as original equipment no, The Fortuner doesn't have the option.

    The Wish does (which is why we got a Wish and not a Fortuner...) and it works well as does the Camry.

    I have seen numerous dealers offering after market 2din GPS but on every single occasion they were very shifty about where the Maps would come from...they all said...you need to get it yourself. This might just be me being slow on the uptake...but seemed odd never the less. I only tried 5 or 6 dealers though (we were thinking of a fortuner at the time) so i might just have been unlucky.

    Plus...the Wish felt like a car...and the Fortuner felt like a truck, which is down to personal taste i guess.

  4. While i realise i am not answering your question directly..

    A lot of people are having this issue apparently.

    I had it with the 2 previous versions as well (though not as frequently but enough to be annoying)

    I like the Open Source ideal...i use Open Office and dual boot Ubuntu/2000 on one machine and Mandrake/XP on another, but I really think Firefox is broken.

    I switched to Opera and am really happy with it...

  5. Play Drums (previously pro)

    Bass (wellish)

    Guitar (mediocre)

    Am 38 and living in Bangkok...so would love to get involved

    I have recording (digital) setup and kit at house and lots of gear left over from pro days...though now...i am a teacher at an international school

  6. used to own one.. until moving to LOS this year

    It was fine...bland but fine...except for the interior which marked REALLY easily. The dashboard was really hard plastic and marked and scratched and the seats seemed to stain even from rain coming in through an open window.

    Other than that (admittedly serious) issue...it was OK

  7. thats the whole point...i DID google after trying the obvious ones...and have become cheesed of with getting most of the way through varied registration processes to find that you cannot sign up without living in the USA (usually)...

    There are LOADS of sites claiming to be legal but then they appear to be based in the Ukraine and when i check them out they are listed as illegal sites by Symantec...

    So does anyone have any real suggestions...

  8. OK...

    I have tried several (ITUNES, RHAPSODY etc etc)

    and none of them allow me to use the sites in LOS.

    Anyone know of any good sites with a wide range that allow sign up from Thailand?

    I guess at worst i could get someone to create an account for me in the UK and then use it here but surely it cant be immpossible to get an account here?

  9. Buy a Fortuner and get Toyota to stick in the Camry SATNAV for 50k extra!

    Now that is cheery news

    Would they only be prepared to do that on a new vehicle at time of sale or would they do it on a second hand one that i took along to them at a later time?

    And...thanks very much for the information!

    most helpful

  10. OK....still toying with what to pick up when i arrive...

    But...cant seem to find anything in a reasonable bracket (around 1 millionish) that has original equipment SATNAV other than a camry

    I dont dislike the camry but surely this is wrong?

    I cant even seem to find mention of it in the options section of (say) a fortuner on the toyota.co.th website.

    Does anyone know if this really is the case?

    PS The reason for asking is that i really dont like the aftermarket ones that stick on the windscreen etc and much prefer the all in the dash solution...

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