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Posts posted by Hamuraii

  1. Alchemists of TV,




    Where can one buy PAMP Swiss gold in Bangkok ?


    Not interested in the local gold thats 96ish% pure in non metric units, with out any documentation/certification, called most of the famous local gold shops in China Town, non did offer it, and all, gave the same bs about you can only buy PAMP in 1kg bricks, but you can buy this 10baht ingot, for 196k, but no documents, certification or an invoice/insurance, buyer/seller, prob just comes in a clear plastic bag with take away rubber. 


    Has to be many posh gold stores in BKK, in some of the fancy malls, selling western gold ?


    Needed :




    99.99% pure


    Original package 


    Document and certification serial number matching the ingot



    Not needed : used, out of package, scratched, 100g/Baht units, with out any documents. 


    see link for the item in question.





  2. Why did this happen ?


    Young innocentTaxi Driver who accidentally drank 5L of Red Bull, sudden flashback playing PlayStation  : High score on Need for Speed  : Sugar Cane Edition.


    Innocent Nigerian Teenagers who where looking for a Temple, wandering in sugar cane field, got heat stroke, sudden flashback getting High Score in : Grend Theft Auto 5 : Limited Collectors Edition : Nigerians in SEA


    Who is to blame ?


    White single men, who make these damn games, corrupting out youth. 

  3. I'm puling this one out of my ass, where I keep found internet texts.



    ' If she did not disclose on the visa application, the first thing the consulate folks do is check criminal and marriage records. When they discover the marriage the application will be rejected for "false statements".'


    She might just tick the box 'married' thats a lie on her part, so she can bounce back and forth ?


    She's either a convicted criminal, married, on stuck on a ongoing divorce ?

    • Sad 1
  4. get 10 different coloured bins, with extreme calendar pick up roster, sweat over it and stay on target, even pick bits out from your teeth, into organic orange bin, nuclear bin thank fully never used, all gets dumped into same pile at site and burned or just stuffed into a hole, buy more stuff with credit that you don't have, items that you dont need.

  5. 2 hours ago, wgdanson said:

    But did you notice that the helmet came off, it was not fastened.

    You get what you pay for.


     Good helmet's bands are not low grade plastic snap-ons, that break if you fart to loud, but a hard strong fabric that you roll into a loop, over hard steel rings, that will hold tight on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd crash.


    Plus not wearing a full helmet, you front face will become pancake, when you smash your face into a car or the curb.





  6. Well she did it again, in a new awesome style.


    We where talking, she was on her phone, and a farang name popped, up, text on the screen wrote, 'awww, so your still unhappy' right in my face.


    I asked her, who is this guy ?, instant story about oh its just this guys that I used to know and he has as gf, they are having arguments, smile.


    Instant knowing, she was emotional from last Sunday, on 'Line' some farang saw the easy pickup and went for the kill.


    Come this Thursday, at her place, she's shifting over a notebook, handwritten in her language, but failed to write the Farang at the top, she failed to notice me seeing this.


    20min later, she cancels our weekend activities, stating she needs to help out 'farang name here' due to banking issue, need to go to police station, to translate' I called her on the lie, that its a bank to bank issue, you just ask the bank to sort out the error, no need to get the police into the matter, she quickly fell into another lie, stating it was a pre paid card and by accident a random person got installed the funds, -ok she's so full of shit and really bad at this.


    To day, get a text, Sorry Will be Very Busy to Day, Sorry if I don't answer text until 'late'  send 15:00 


    @ 20:00ish I sent her a text, how is the date going ?


    got reply that quickly got deleted.


    Asked how are you doing later on, no reply.


    Hey chav sudden new bf, Farang m8, if your reading this, have fun this weekend with my gf, this evening and to morrow in the 'bank' 






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  7. @oldhippy  @Rc2702


    Update, whole hysteria-train-derailment was a your average activity that normal people do in public spaces, its just that I was near dead from a heatstroke, could not take part 100% but was there focused and alive, was enough to set the internal seething anger mechanism in motion.


    Example, both sit down and have cake, you fail starting to eat the cake at the same time, she becomes distant and cold.


    Did have somewhat of an discussion about the issue, but indeed was hard to get information, suggested a code she could say in public, as to not loose face.


    Example, Pineapple Pizza [ Yes i like pizza with Pineapple, Bacon and Chilly ] 


    but wanted her to find her own secret code word, to tell me, this might work, lets see, oldhippy, maybe your gal can conjure up her own secret word, when she's moody.


    Thanks for the good read Rc2702

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