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Posts posted by Adam72

  1. Hi,

    Here’s a curly one. Two kids born in Australia out of wedlock. Father Australian, mother Thai. We came to Thailand for a holiday but the relationship collapsed and now the mother will not return to Australia or allow me any parental rights other than visiting the children in her village near Cambodia (Chanthaburi province). 


    The children are 3 year old twins and they have both been hospitalized several times in the 2 years we have been here. The village they live in is not healthy with daily smoke pollution and road dust covering everything. They regularly get sinus and lung infections combined with severe asthma. Their diet is also lacking in essential nutrients. 


    How is does a father in my position protect his children? Ideally I want to take them back to Australia. I am identified on their Australian and Thai birth certificates and I have been legitimized as the father in Thai law. The kids have Australian and Thai passports. 


    All advice will be much appreciated. 



  2. Hi,

    My Thai partner and I are looking for some help. We’re trying to make it work and would really benefit from regular appointments with a counselor/ therapist/ psychologist or perhaps a kind soul experienced in Thai/Farang relationships. We’re having difficulty finding a bilingual counselor in the Chanthaburi area, any advice would be greatly appreciated.



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