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Posts posted by Loftedfalcon

  1. I am thinking of buying land for the purpose of digging a pond. I would then stock the pond for fishing and have a small fish farm on the side to provide extra fish, a food source for my family and sell the surplus. An extra and seasonal primary income will be guided fishing tours catering mainly for western fishermen. This would hopefully allow me to charge a western fee for my service albeit a lower one by our standards. The pond will be a regular though small income during the low season by having completions and a good heads of fish for the local Thai fisherman.

    The basis for all of this is that I’m a life long fisherman who has fish in Thailand many times now. I am bearing mind that there are 14 million fishermen in the UK alone, and that more British, in particular are finding Thailand as a very economical and exotic destination.

    I can use some of my very good contacts to help with the Tourist side of things as I have two travel agents and an internet hosting and services business in my immediate family

  2. A little advice please guys.

    I currently have a petrol station here in England but the nature of business over here and in particular the petrol industry is squeezing tighter and tighter all the time. Anyway cutting to the chase I have come to the stage where I have to make a decision to carry out very expensive work to the station which I will never get back by trading alone (only a sale will offer any possibility of remuneration).

    My other thought on the matter is to carry out a lifelong dream of setting up a business abroad in Thailand.

    This poses many questions which I’d like the answers to. Can anyone who has done this please get in touch? I’d dearly like to communicate with anyone who has braved everything to follow their dreams. Obvious topics would be the pitfalls, tax and company issues relating to Thailand. I would most like to hear from anyone who has entered into any fish or fishing related ventures.

    Can you help?!


  3. Hi all,

    I've been wondering about a few things Thai and would like the benefit of your wisdom......

    Presumably if you want to dig a pond in Thailand you just buy the land and dig the hole, right?

    How do you get the water in the hole? Are you allowed to sink a well to fill the pond and to keep it topped up? Or do you rely on the weather ofr both?!

    I should point out at this stage the it would be a fair sized pond for the purpose of fish farming! As a mad fisherman it would provide me with sport and my family with food and a small income.

    Next set of questions,

    Where do you get the fish from? What sizes are there to choose from and can you buy different species of fish? What do you feed them?

    All advice is greatly appreciated.

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