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Posts posted by tingtongfarang

  1. My sister in-law lives in Korat and enjoys fishing at weekends. She would like to go fishing with English speaking people so she could improve her English while relaxing. Please p.m. me and I could put you in touch.


    well...i go fishing lots...but i,m based in bkk, would be nice to have a fishing companion though :o

  2. Hi fellow expats,

    where can I go in bangkok to catch catfish or other large fish that will put up a good fight. I live near Asoke. I don't plan to pay something along the lines of 5000 or 6000 baht.

    I have the rods, reels, bait, hooks etc. I just want to know of a lake with good sized fish. I want to pay for the day and fish to my hearts content. It doesnt have to be run by expats either.

    Many Thanks

    Actualy there are many places in bangkok infact some are also around sukhumvit, Many evenings after work i go to a fishing park along onnut soi 17 named bungachow ...most are plah sawai around 7kg upto 30kg...cost for a full day and evening are 35 baht and bait costs 50baht for a large bag of scented bread ...opening times are 8am till 10pm,

    Another place i frequent is shadow lake (gnau nam) i go there maybe 2 times per week...my best catch there was a mehkong catfish 83kg but most times there i manage to catch 4-5 catfish around 40-50kg and they fight well, I also caught a few giant siamese carp there around 30-40kg, Costs are 150 baht for a 12 hour session and bait is 100 baht per bucket, I really like this place and usualy spend the night there sleeping in my hammock with my rod hanging above my head from the roof of the shelter...just have to jump out the hammock half asleep and grab the rod when the line is running off and the ratchet sounds like a turbo :o

    A few weeks ago one evening i drove to bungsamran for the first time but i,m one of those farangs who feels this double pricing to be immoral ...400baht khon thai....1000baht farangs....i consider this not only imorral but racist and voted with my feet ...jumped in the car and drove to shadow lake, If not for this racist pricing mentality i would maybe fish bungsamran 1-2 times per week...i see it as penny wise pound stupid,

    Finding all these places is quite simple...i just search them on google earth....tools ...directions...print, Its said there are more than 100 fishing ponds and lakes in and around bkk ...i can well believe it and although i have been to maybe 15 of them only a few inspired me, ie i like to catch big fish and not be surrounded by rubbish.

    The tackle i use mostly is a heavy action 7ft casting rod with a penn 209 reel, line is a 45lb mono, basic rig setup with a 80lb braided trace and nr13 hook, the only modification i made was i cut up a large foam float and glued it to the inside of the spring like thing where you pack the bread ball, i imagine because of the amount of bread used at these places its possible the bottom has a thick layer of black bread silt....i think the foam inside the feeder helps it not sink into the quagmire down there and therefore easier for the fish to find.

  3. The Dalai Lama has an interesting perspective on the death penalty: As long as a person is alive, he may change his attitudes. Therefore, death penalty is not wise. Let him retain the chance to advance in evolution, or spirituality.

    Maybe the true answer to what some consider a lack of justice is to let the direct family flick the switch or whatever it takes to execute a person, then we can only hope their dicisions would be along the same lines as the parents of the daughter raped and murdered in samui, only they have to live with it,

    Actualy in the 12 months or so i,ve been living and working in bkk some things made me feel unsafe here, the justice system has no logic most of the time, i,m often supplied from both farangs and thais with scary information and cant decide if its factual or not, ie if you get involved in an accident whilst driving the judge will any way verbaly! anounce that if the farang had,nt been here it would,nt have happened so it must be the farangs fault, the small green busses dont have any insurance,

    and to top it all if your a victim in the carnage on the roads here there might not be an ambulance involved in the journey to the hospital but a tuned up pickup, the crew might not have any medical training and often its just a case of you grab the arms i take the legs, if more than one pickup arrives at the scene you might have to witness a blood bath between the two crews to decide which crew grabs your arms and legs, i,m told your wallet.. credit cards and any valubles ..watch..gold ect wont arrive with you at the hospital, at the moment i manage not to let these things occupy my mind while i,m out there on the roads but i,m not sure it would be possible if i actualy witness these things,

    I might lose my nerve and change my job,

    The hardest experience to swallow till now has been having money physicaly extracted from my wallet for a ficticious traffic offence, so bad that as the policeman stepped out into the main road to stop the trafic in order for me to escape the scene of his crime i had to open the car door and vomit onto the road..maybe i,m a softy...but i also now understand its expected here and the system is designed around corruption..even more strange.. i,m slowly learning to accept it too..the money extraction prosses has since happened to me many times,

    we,ve all heard the saying money talks..here it screams

    Also, reincarnation would suggest that we have all been there before, or will be in the future, for it is experience, of every kind, that the soul desires, whether or not this is pleasing for the personality.

    ahh enlightenment...that explains why there are so many cockroaches here, could it be true they all wore brown uniforms in the previous life? :o

    a lawyer friend just suggested its possible the two guys who raped and murdered could be free in 5 to 6 years, :D

  4. before i came to thailand i had lived in greece for 15 years and not only swimming everyday but working as a sport catermaran instructor, i have had so much expeience with currents that i found the most effective way to deal with it was just tread water or swim side stroke slowly..i always found that after a short while they bring you back onto land again, once while on a solo crossing or at least trying to cross from greece to turkey i capsized in a strong storm and sat ontop of the cat for 6 hours....was a current which saved me and finaly brought me close enough to land that the mast was on the bottom, from there i could put it back on its feet and sleep on the beach for the night, I always trust that they bring me onto land.

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