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Posts posted by Spectator2020

  1. 3 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    I just can't quite spot her body in that picture ....

    I have a video of the body being brought ashore. The body is in blue plastic behind the boat. The images are just 3 screenshots from the video. I have refrained from posting full images taken on 4 May when the body was first spotted floating in the Gulf of Thailand. The video images certainly appear to show a male body. Plenty of people would justifiably complain if I were to post more graphic images. 

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  2. Episode 6 of the DEATH ISLAND podcast is out now. It covers the well known death of BEN HARRINGTON in August 2012 and features an exclusive interview with Paddy Callaghan discussing the suspicious death of ANTHONY CARDULLO aka TONY LOTUS in November 2013. Tony was the founder of the iconic, lucrative and wildly popular LOTUS BAR on Sairee Beach, Koh Tao. 

    Excellent podcast!! 




  3. 3 hours ago, simon43 said:

    Forgive my maths, but I think that makes 6 dead people.


    This French guy was found dead 120 km away from Koh Tao.  Does that cast suspicion on Koh Tao?


    Alan and Michael dies in a motorbike crash.  Are you suggesting they were murdered?


    Hiroshi died after a snorkel test.  Well, I think diving is a risky occupation wherever you are.


    Yoshie presumably murdered.  Why 'presumably'?  What are the facts?


    Just to add that I have never visited Koh Tao and have no plans to do so.

    7 dead people if you count Jean-Francois Louet.


    Hanspeter Suter was also a Divemaster so by including his name we get to 8. The novice diving students who died in avoidable accidents, Silje Mathisen and Rocio Gomez can be counted as 9 and 10 if you wish. 

    Alain Dolfen was not killed in a motorbike ???? crash. He died after a night dive.


    I have been told that Michael Spjuth had delays in receiving top medical care after his motorbike accident because people did not know he had health insurance. 

    I created videos about Yoshie Sazawa but forum rules prevent me posting them here.


    I hope I have addressed most of your issues. I am happy to be corrected about the issue of delays for Michael’s medical care. 

  4. 4 hours ago, morrobay said:

    Plenty of Koh Tao apologists would like the world to forget about this French diving instructor and his connection to Koh Tao. They would also like the world to forget all about the diving instructors pictured here:

    Virat Asavachin (aka Mr Ban) shot dead near Sairee Beach in early 2002;

    Yoshie Sazawa (aka Sharlyn) ???????? vanished on 18 June 2004 and found 7 days later presumed murdered;

    Alain Dolfen from Belgium ????????; and

    Michael Spjuth from Sweden ???????? who founded BIG BLUE DIVING and died from head injuries suffered in motorbike ???? crash in December 2021.

    Also worth mentioning Hiroshi from Japan ???????? who died circa 2002 immediately after participating in a “snorkel test” ???? on completion of his Divemaster course. 

    SEVEN (7) diving instructors and Divemasters counted here. 


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  5. 25 minutes ago, Menken said:

    How many people died suspicious circumstances on KT? I think now about ten or more. The thing that boils my brain is that all cases put to rest. Nothing untoward save for the British couple rape, heads bashed by "three Burmese" migrants.


    Obviously, serial killer/s

    I think the number of suspicious deaths and murders can be measured in the dozens. The mainstream media normally only focus on the tip of the proverbial iceberg. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

    Ah yes. An old article from 2002 resurrected by the famous Ian Yarwood so that he can keep his name in the press.



    It’s the type of story trolls like to sweep under the carpet and the type of story that many English language news services overlook. Suspicious deaths have occurred on Koh Tao for decades and continue to the present time. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, frank83628 said:

    yeah, exactly.. a 'snorkelling trip' to KT, and yet you talk about the Island as though you are long term resident with inside info when in fact you have zero personal knowledge.
    i find it funny that Su never mentioned anything about Ian Jacobs in all the years she being attacking Tao... then all of a sudden she saw his body in a cement pipe... of all the people it could have been ..... how convenient!

    Frank knows that I never claimed to have been a long term resident of Koh Tao but that I made it clear years ago that I visited the island.


    Su stated quite openly that she saw Ian Jacobs’ body when Mick Lock came forward about 5 years ago. It’s no secret nor a new revelation. 



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  8. 13 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Interesting, pity no mention of any motive why he would be killed

    Both Su Buchanan and Mick Lock have some additional details that were not included in the DEATH ON THE BEACH documentary. I do not know whether those details were edited out or whether the two of them withheld the details within their personal knowledge. In any event, it is preferable for them to publicly divulge what they know when they are ready. However, they are both convinced with good reason that Ian Jacobs was murdered and did not fall into a non-existent well and drown. 

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  9. 1 hour ago, frank83628 said:

    all stirred up by you & su Buchanan....!
    Ben Harringtons own brother has said it was an accident as he knew ben had been drinking. 
    you have an unhealthy obsession with `Tao.... a place you've never been to!

    Su Buchanan and I cannot stir up anything unless there happens to be something to stir up, can we?


    Mick Lock brought the story of his friend, Ian Jacobs to me about 5 years ago. As it transpired, Su Buchanan had actually seen Ian’s body in situ within the section of prefabricated concrete pipe. 

    I was not there when Ian Jacobs died but as dear frank knows, I have in fact visited Koh Tao on a snorkelling ???? holiday. However, frank exhibits an obsession with posting statements he knows to be false, like several others who lurk about this forum! 

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  10. https://www.birminghamworld.uk/news/birmingham-diver-ian-jacobs-thailand-4023618

    New article just appeared in BIRMINGHAM WORLD written by journalist, Asmita Sarkar.

    She focuses upon the January 2000 death of Birmingham man, Ian Jacobs who was found with a broken neck. It is a follow up piece to her earlier article about the death of fellow Birmingham man, Neil Giblin who was also found dead on Koh Tao. 

    There is also a mention of Ben Harrington who died there in 2012. 






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  11. Nick Pearson was only 25 when he was found bruised and floating in the sea on New Year’s Day 2014. He’d been put to bed with an injured foot but the local cops came up with an utterly implausible explanation of how he died. The police explanations and arguments are every bit as preposterous as those advanced by the trolls and Koh Tao apologists leaving messages in this forum. 


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  12. Has anyone ever noticed how young most of the people were who died in suspicious circumstances on Koh Tao? Anthony Cardullo aka Tony Lotus was only 44. His friends reported that he had been threatened by the island mafia. For those of you who don’t know, Tony was founder of the iconic LOTUS BAR, the most popular bar on Sairee Beach and regarded as a gold mine. 

    He might have thought nothing bad would ever happen to him even though he was well aware of the assassination of Mr Ban in 2002 at the age of just 42.


    Tony was found dead in November 2013. 


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  13. 27 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    People get murdered in every other country also.   It's name is Koh Tao, I guess that comes as a surprise to you.

    Not so long ago there was a country known as Siam that changed its name to Thailand, which ironically means the “Land of the Free.” When a citizen described himself or herself  as a “Thai”, it was a statement that they were a free citizen and not one of the many slaves. 

    There used to be a tiny little island in the Gulf of Thailand called Koh Tao but with the strenuous effort of the locals over so many years to murder people on the island, many people on social media started calling the place Death Island ????


    One day, the Samui Times referred to the new name in a throw away line and the next thing we knew, the international media referred to the place as DEATH ISLAND and for very good reason. 

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