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Posts posted by 900312611

  1. Everyone, thank you for your response.

    We 'are' planning on going  to Thailand this June/July to see her sisters,  hopefully get married name recognized, get Thai passport hopefully in married name as this is what she wants, also will help when we come back to live because she has her own social security ("may" was polite way of saying in all likelihood) check about O visas and bank accounts, and basically look around for to see what's available for housing.

    She has a renewed ID card (2015), but only in maiden name, also she is half owner of a house one of her sister's lives in for the last 20 years.  

  2. Thank You...so if I understand correctly there should be no legal problem, once she gets Thai passport on this summer's visit, that upon the next trip to Thailand she uses US passport to leave & renter USA, and Thai passport to enter & leave Thailand...won't each country see there was no exit/entry stamp from corresponding country's passport; won't that cause a problem on either side?

    Thank You  

  3. I have a US/Thai passport question, please:

    Wife (Thai) and I live in the US, she has been here 42 years, we’ve been married 40 years and she’s been naturalized 39 years, has US passport.

     Last time she went home, 2015, she ‘renewed her Thai ID card’, but could only do so in her ‘maiden name’ because that’s what’s on the house registry, she didn’t get a Thai passport because she wanted one in her married name, but didn’t have right papers.

    Fast for to present day; we (both of us) may be going to Thailand June/July to visit for a month (but may come back to Thailand sometime later to live); we now have court certified copies of US marriage license and hope to get her maiden name recognized to her married name while over there, was told would be easier while there, and get a Thai passport; if that doesn’t work someone suggested just getting married in Thailand. Enough of the social history…My wife wants to get a Thai passport while there and has a US passport now. We have been told if she arrives on her US passport, then she will have to get a VISA and be subject to VISA runs or some other sort of long stay VISA if we decide to come back to live.

    Couple of scenarios:

    This summer she would be entering Thailand on US passport (wants to get Thai passport while there) so her entry would be under US and stamped thusly; if she would then leave a month later (30 day free visa) to come back to US wouldn’t it cause a problem if she left using Thai PP and entering US under US PP…US would see US PP was not stamped upon leaving Thailand.


    Later on, let’s say maybe a year or so (she already got a Thai passport on last visit but didn’t used it  when leaving Thailand because we both entered on US PP with 30 day visa) if she arrives on her Thai passport, they will see it was not stamped when exiting the US. When we go to leave Thailand I am thinking it will also be a problem if she shows her Thai passport, but when we arrive back in the US and use US passport to enter, they will also see that Thailand did not stamp the US one when she left.

    How do all of you juggle the 2 passports when your wife has dual citizenship in order to not have to deal with VISA's, hiding the fact that she has both,  we’re both senior citizens and don’t want any legal problems.

    I was also wondering if she owns land and a house in Thailand (which she does) can that be a problem with her US citizenship?

    Thank you for all the advice in advance!

  4. Hello:

    I am 72 yo and USA citizen, born and raised. My wife, now 69 yo, came to the US as a nanny for a couple in 1975, we met in 1976, and married in 1977, she then became a naturalized citizen in 1979 and has a US passport stating US citizen/home country Thailand.; we are both retired and are ‘considering’ selling and moving to Thailand  for our remaining  years. In 2015 the last time she went home/Thailand  to visit her sisters she stayed 3 months; when she went to come home she had to pay a fine for overstaying the 30 entry visa. She, along with her sisters, told them she was a Thai citizen and even showed her updated Thai ID card; they told her even though she is considered a Thai citizen she came to Thailand on a US passport so that’s why the fine (something like $200).  My limited understanding is I am pretty much not allowed to own much of anything when coming to Thailand, but does that also include my wife since her passport says US citizen and we would both be coming into Thailand on US passports…we would have more than enough money to open a Thai bank account and also have enough money coming in each month for the 2 months needed for I think what’s called a retirement visa and would rent for awhile before looking for a house (we really want a house and when we pass it can go to one of her sisters) but can this bank account be a joint account just like in the US?  We’re not rich by any means but could easily afford a visa service for I think I understand is 90 days paperwork instead of going in person but am also wondering about what I keep reading is a 90 visa run across the border; is this something that is still done; when her sisters came to visit us last year they didn’t think it was done anymore, of course they aren’t border agents either. We are both very much accustomed to American TV and also high speed, 100Mbps, cable internet; our intended city of choice is Chiang Mai and we can afford $2000+ US/month rent are these available? What problems/obstacles are ahead of us and would my wife fact the same obstacles as I would? Thank You              

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