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Everything posted by Docmartin

  1. Well I’d be pleased to keep you updated Trippy, but the sad reality is that the cold seed seedlings weren’t well looked after (I’m away a lot for work) and died because of neglect
  2. Gents just an fyi. As we know, cannabis seeds are only viable for a few years. As an experiment I froze some seeds last April (all the same variety) and germinated them along with seeds stored at room temperature or in the fridge in September. Results were that the colder the seed the longer they took to sprout and fewer germinated but not much reduction really. A very small sample in this experiment but it shows that frozen seeds will germinate. Have at it.
  3. Shortening or removing leaves reduces evaporation and water loss from the cuttings. Roots are more likely to form if light is excluded from the stem. Partially scraping the skin off the stem may encourage rooting, as does hormone powder or gel (though honey or jamming the stem into a potato briefly is alleged to be effective too).
  4. What’s happening with roadside testing ? The cops can demand a urine test can they not ? Weed metabolites stay in the urine for days / weeks /months and it doesn’t indicate impairment, just consumption in the past. So it’s a great money-making opportunity for the police. Is it happening yet ?
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