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Posts posted by nganadeeleg

  1. How is this Thai related

    It's a worldwide problem, and Thailand is part of the world.

    How is the war on terrorism going to be won?

    I expect things will only get worse until those in power finally fess up that the reason they want to get us is not because of 'who we are' but really because of 'what we do'.

    We fool ourselves into thinking they hate us because of our freedoms - it's not that simple. These are home grown terrorists.

    I can put up with the hassle of increased security because it's definitely necessary, but anyone who thinks we can win the 'war' by continuing with the same policies is going to be in for a big shock when the current crop of kids in Lebanon grow up.

  2. How can you be soft toward these so called warriors of allah who killed the innocents.

    Even the muslim villagers women included are involved...the killings of the two marines..lately the savage torture and killing of woman teachers...Now what's all these.....

    It's sad that the Thai politicians are not united in dealing this problem, they are only interested in lining their own pockets at the even as their country goes down the drain.

    The recent demostrations are but one good example...The Democrats and PAD, they are a shame to the country.

    In the south, you can fight fire with water but sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. Learn for Isreal. If Thailand allows this to go on in five years time I think the south wii becomes another

    Midanao in the Pillippines, then it would be difficult to stop.

    Mind you Thailand shares the southern border with Mayalsia, an Islamic country, it is so easy to move arms and people across this border... :o:D:D

    I doubt whether Israel is a good example, unless you want a perpetual mess in the region.

    What has to be remembered is that each person killed has a friend or relative that will want revenge.

    While it might have started as an ethnic dispute, heavy handed tactics will just play into the hands of the fundamentalists who want it to become a religious war.

  3. Only 2 ways of dealing with the violence in the South ... and niether will yield instant results

    1) Diesngage the Military from doing anything more than provinding security for teachers monks etc ....

    2) Start building real relationships with the people that live there. If they are being treated fairly and with respect ... the good guys WILL give up the bad guys <eventually>

    Neither will work on it's own, but implementing both strategies at the same time would be a good start.

  4. Something has to be done to stop the reliance on cars.

    Apart from the fuel cost, there is also the traffic congestion problems - to keep building new roads is not a proper solution.

    Cycling is a great activity, however the tracks need to be dedicated cycle tracks not just a lane marked on the road.

    The best cycle paths are those that are separated from main roads, and follow rivers/canals or train tracks.

    Might be too hard in bkk, but it is worth striving for, especially in provincial cities & towns.

    I also think that mountain bikes would be a great way of getting around in many country areas where there are thin dirt road/paths between rice fields etc.

    As far as the heat goes, you are going to get hot & sweaty as soon as you get out of a car anyway.

  5. - Since Vietnam is out of the question due to lack of foreign "ownership" rights, Thailand comes to the top of our list. After much research on the internet, and seeing wonderful villas for the price that won't buy you a backyard storage shed in San Francisco, we felt that it "seems" like a great idea!

    Did you see somewhere that ownership rights are on your side in Thailand? You can't own land in Thailand.

    There are workarounds with forming a company or buying into a Thai name than leasing it back for 30 years but I would not really go that way.

    Also, I am finding houses in that area are at similar prices as in tropical Queensland of Australia where ownershop rights are sorted out.

    This site is an example, hundreds of them do the same business. The prices are un A$, take off 25% and u get in US$.


    Sorry to spoil the party, but I think that site is for building a house only, and does not include the land.

    As far as investing in Thailand goes, I think the rule of thumb is to 'only invest what you can afford to lose'

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