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  1. I suspect many IO's are oblivious to the new system (see my post above) and are still using the old one. The old system is still there and working, may be an option for some. Worked for me. New system Pending since 4th Dec
  2. So today I see there are 2 working 90 day websites. On the 4th I registered and got access, completed an application and saw status is at Pending. Still at Pending this morning, I called my IO (as I usually do to move the status to Approved), gave them my passport number but she told me she could not see anything for me. I was to call back later while she checked. I opened the old system out of curiosity, and lo and behold I got to the Pending status here too. I called back, she checked again and after a few minutes, approved my application. I downloaded the Next Appointment form it generates so I now have a new date in March. In the meantime as I type the new application is still Pending. This leads me to believe my IO did not get the memo about a new system and are still updating the old one. If the new one finally gets approved, I will get a new, new appointment slip which should have the same date, so I am not too bothered now. Job done for another 90 days.
  3. Kanchanaburi, small, friendly and very efficient. Never had a problem. My latest TM30 is always in my passport but I can't tell if they look at it or not - maybe I will take it out next time and see if they ask for it? ???? The TM30 is done in another building by different staff so it's possible the IO's don't give a jot about it. I only found out recently that this small TM30 office can issue certificates of residence for driving licence etc. Last time I renewed drivers licence I had to go to Bangkok to the UK Embassy for one! Always learning.
  4. I am aware of this and this has come up in the forums before. Each time I visit the office I ask if it's still a requirement and each time they say a big Yes. Asked last week while I got my renewal, no change. Now my choice is to stop doing them and see what happens but for the sake of peace of mind and avoidance of a fine, I will continue to report, as, as I said it's not a major inconvenience. They still insist on my wife as 'landlord' being present too. Just another example of the inconsistency from office to office.
  5. Too many to read all posts but I am sure my views have already been expressed. If I wanted to move out of Thailand it would not be because of onerous admin for renewing a retirement extension, as quite simply, it's not onerous. Last week I renewed for another year, in and out my IO in 40 minutes. Sure you have to prepare. I set a reminder in my phone to start paper-collecting about 4 weeks before my expiry date. I start with copies of stuff tht hasn't changed then arrange for new photos, a medical and last but not least the on-the-day bank letter for the 800k proof. I see many have a fair trek to their IO but as mine is 170 km there and back it should be a pain but again isn't as I only have to go in person once a year for the renewal. If I take a break in say Pattaya or Hua Hin they stil want a TM30 which I do on my way home as if I go anywhere it means almost passing the office. 90 days done online for 5 years with a few exceptions when I had a new passport. If you are retired the time spent on this not really a lot in my view. I suspect other reasons for a departure. For the OP good luck and I hope the grass is actually greener in your new home.
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