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Everything posted by Justtaste

  1. Wow! Not only amazing; but done by professionals ????????
  2. Thanks for tbe reply, they are very professionals, but notwithstanding i guess customs get some tips????
  3. Try have some rest, you look stressful
  4. You can never touch a woman in kuwait if she's not your wife or family member
  5. So how these cars really left from UK without customs being aware there????? Someone please help me with answers ????
  6. If you have phone banking easy, just Scan QR to pay
  7. This guy can be a great leader, please don't get me wrong????
  8. Who's the rightful owner of this dismond? I see India, Pakistan Afghanistan, Iran and South Africa asking for the return of the diamond????
  9. Nothing ventured nothing gained, that's what happened when you trying to con someone ???????? 300bt for that less distance? there's a real story to this until we can hear from both side anyway????‍♂️????‍♂️
  10. That's the reason of the thief breaking in????????
  11. The effect of alcohol, that must be a joke
  12. I thought super power don't need military aid????????.
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