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Posts posted by Rodwalloper

  1. 1 hour ago, RichardColeman said:

    10 days. married 3 years now (in Thailand). I know about 50 guys in Thailand that married - about 90% still married, I also know about 50 guys that took their wives back to the UK - ZERO are still married. So I think you may want to rephrase the question, how many still with their wives IF they went back to their own country !

    i know a few including myself.

    wife loves Australia, loves her job as a childcare teacher will further her studies to became a kindergarten teacher.

    has weeded out the crap and has a few good friends around her and most importantly has her food and thai drama on every night.

    without her Thai Drama she may have split.


  2. 2 hours ago, 473geo said:

    Yes agreed, but, I'm not sure that the age gap, or the fact that a guy is supporting his partner are the major contributors to the decline of a relationship in Thailand.

    I think the base of a solid relationship is the respect one gives to a wife, to her future, to her security, and to her family.

    In my opinion Rob too many blokes just don't step up to the mark!!  It's not the Thai women, but yes it may well be their level of expectancy the guys make no effort to meet.


    when both get married shouldnt they know each other well enough to know whats expected.

  3. There are quite a few men here in good relationships with good wives,

    Same however may not be.


    How long did you know your woman from the moment of meeting them until your wedding day and do you think it really makes a difference be it one week or 1 year or whatever.


    Is the high failure rate somewhat due to rushing in to soon.


    personally i was with mine 2 yrs before we got married, 9 years now, but i feel if we married after say 1 month, would not have made a difference.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  4. 28 minutes ago, 473geo said:

    I've never found the need to be concerned about how a total stranger spends his money.......


    The passing interest of others appears to be an excuse to slag people off..........no more no less



    this is a forum, in forums and even in life we do in fact look at what others do.

    you say you have no interest but you have just enough to read through the thread and the posts and further still comnent on it.

    You may not have an interest in what people spend their money on, guess what nor dor any of us but it does make for an interesting and entertaining insight into the things people do.


  5. 23 minutes ago, 473geo said:

    I've never found the need to be concerned about how a total stranger spends his money.......


    The passing interest of others appears to be an excuse to slag people off..........no more no less



    this is a forum, in forums and even in life we do in fact look at what others do.

    you say you have no interest but you have just enough to read through the thread and the posts and further still comnent on it.

    You may not have an interest in what people spend their money on, guess what nor dor any of us but it does make for an interesting and entertaining insight into the things people do.


  6. 22 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    I suspect my MiL buying my truck with her money and putting it in my name will probably do your tiny little head in.


    But never mind, eh? As you say, it is their business and thereby absolutely NONE of yours.


    Bloody noobs....

    how is anything you said relevant to my thread.

    It does seem however that something in my thread struck a nerve, what i dont know.

    so explain to me what makes one a noob, you said it you can answer, new to what exactly.

    everyone is happily answering but something got under your skin, wonder what that could be.

  7. 17 minutes ago, smutcakes said:

    Reading these types of thread it really is no surprise why so many expats have one or more failed marriages behind them in the west.


    When you are married, you are a partnership, and in my view you should support one and others family if the circumstances are correct. The fact that most will be in a position to assist the Thai family more than the farang is just the way it is in terms of the necessity and cost.


    It seems so many have such a defensive attitude and lack of trust in their partner or their partners families.



    I never said it was wrong to buy a home or foolish, you must read all threads before you jump on board.

    i said its wrong if you do it for the wrong reasons.

    I am not actually against it i feel that a home should not be bought to make you feel good, to ensure the missus does not leave, or any other reason other then as an investment which benifits her and you later, or because u love the old girl and want to buy it for her, for her not to make you feel good.

  8. 19 hours ago, johnmcc6 said:

    I replaced a second hand  tin shed for a proper kitchen and will soon do a bathroom make over. Why? Because I can. They have never asked a thing from me. They also returned sin sot money. Trying to live at their age with no water pressure and a bucket is not on. It's all under the heading of family.

    thats fair enough

  9. 1 hour ago, Lamkyong said:

    my mother in law gave my wife the house we live in   all i did was spend some cash to modernize/upgrade  to make for comfortable living

    I have no actual problem with people doing it as its their business however it should only be done if its for reasons of genuinely wanting to not to keep the daughter.

    your case is unusual and fantastic, she must love her daughter very much and care about you also.

    • Haha 1
  10. i would of sent her packing the moment she said she is torn between you both.

    where was he when the doubt kicked in, probably banging her silly, went back home or had an issue of some kind and back to you.

    ot perhaps she is playing you both for a double income, he is intown she starts a fight with you, spends a few days with him, he leaves back to you.

    or maybe she is torn.

    either way your more patient then me.

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