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Posts posted by Kentwants2run

  1. I have a small collection of fossils that I want to bring into Thailand - a couple of Megalodon teeth, trilobites, a dinosaur radius, and a few other bones and trifles.  My wife says its illegal to import these items and that they will be confiscated at the airport if I try to bring them into Thailand.  I can find no information indicating that its illegal to import these items.  Anyone else have any experience in this regard?  Thanks.

  2. I've been out to Phuttha Monthon several times, which has a great loop to cycle around along with several other paths around the ponds.  Don't know if the BTS goes by there - always drove my own vehicle.  


    Happy cycling!1721705605_PhutthaMonthon1.thumb.png.4c005a9cf6b40104fccbacba23ea63fc.png

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  3. We live in the Tawewattana area of the Nonthaburi district of Bangkok and we flooded in 2011.  As I understand it, this was because of some mismanagement of the stormwater system and that the errors made then will not happen again ;^).  They have also installed a new stormwater system in the surrounding streets.  We had about a meter of water in our house, but no damage.  Moved all the furniture upstairs and the teak doors, floors, and concrete walls suffered no damage.  Took the cars to a hotel and stayed there until the water subsided.  Still a mess to clean up though.  

  4. Well stated.  Many of the issues the farangs complain about here on TV are the same issues people complained about where I used to live in the US.  Farmers burning their fields, lousy drivers, corrupt do-nothing government, lousy infrastructure, etc.  It appears to me that many of the people on TV can't or won't be happy no matter where they live.  It's not the place, it's them.

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  5. My experience with removing Asbestos in the US was to use LOTS of water while working with it (keep it wet), wear a very good respirator/face mask, and throw away any clothing you were wearing while working with the material (or wear a Tyvek disposable suit).  Disposal involves putting in good quality trash bags and taking to the landfill (along with your clothes or Tyvek suit).  The water is very important as you don't want that stuff floating around your house. 

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