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  1. If they’d done the same here in Australia, they get a slap on the wrist. Maybe 2 weeks community order!
  2. Theft is the work of Low life scum! 5 years is not enough! A motorbike as a getaway is reckless driving, a potential weapon!
  3. You don’t think it’s possible to be on an app without parents knowing. I’d be too easy! Don’t jump to conclusions and blame parents! Lay blame with the adult perpetrators ! Who’s saying there’s no attempt to find them?
  4. You don’t think it’s possible to be on an app without parents knowing. I’d be too easy! Don’t jump to conclusions and blame parents! Lay blame with the adult perpetrators !
  5. Why even question it? He was in an agitated state! What’s not to understand or believe about that’s. Who knows what he was doing, but obviously something to draw attention yo himself! There’s always an expert with another explanation! 🤦‍♂️
  6. Maybe means you’re taking a guess! For what reason? Maybe it could be the FBI, maybe it could be aliens! Maybe!!!
  7. seems your issues with this take precedent over his death!
  8. He may have been taken and killed by aliens from Mars too……just an assumption , but could be true! 🤦‍♂️
  9. He’s saying you have no right to make Disparaging assumptions!
  10. And you know this how?
  11. So if someone was to slap him in the face with a clenched fist, could they just say they didn’t know assault was illegal and they’ve done it many times? His ignorance, pride or stupidity prevented him from simply saying sorry and now he will face the consequences! Hopefully. This is entitlement defined!. A superior male who’s above women and the law!
  12. What is it with people on these forums? Everyone’s an expert, all were eye witnesses, all know exactly what happened, who’s to blame and what punishment they deserve ……apparently!!!! What’s that saying about the word ASSUME??? 🤔
  13. It’s one thing identifying him, a different story trying to find him!!
  14. “too many of THEM?” What is “them”? Drunken idiots?
  15. I think Pita should join the military then have a coup lead by the man the people voted for.
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