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Farang Muang Phrae

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Posts posted by Farang Muang Phrae

  1. 6 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:

    I can empathize with his plight of not being granted Thai citizenship.  He probably can't meet the ridiculous income requirement (proof of taxes paid on at least THB 80,000/mo of income for 3 years).  If he has community support, and is not a burden on the state, he seems like he would make a stand-up foreigner admitted as a citizen.  Thai bureaucracy is stuck in the 19th century.

    Thank you for your interest and I want everyone to know that I DO meet the requirements for Thai citizenship.  It would be the greatest honor in my life if I was allowed to become a Thai citizen.   

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  2. 3 hours ago, HooHaa said:

    and now you are being obtuse. 

    i am merely pointing out that this is not a one off mad rant that is incomprehensible to the natives.

    I am pointing out that he is not unknown and has a following of sorts among a number of people (local  - - as in thai local) that are not unaware, and not unappreciative of what he does.

    thai visa wrote yet another post without proper background that panders to the misery and schadenfreude that gains them ad traffic and the general populace of wretched gits that have chosen to settle here with their wives as their sole point of contact to the local world have jumped upon it with vigor, assuming stances of righteous indignation over the actions of a person who actually is a contributing member of the local community and whose humor seems to be appreciated by at least some of those able to understand it.

    this is classic thai visa,  throw in a hooker, a katoey, and a story of infidelity and lost savings and its another good money day.

    It does seem like they could have done a bit better job with this story.  It was just for fun anyway and clearly the many people that viewed it enjoyed it.  thanks.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 minute ago, overherebc said:

    You've been here so long and you still use the insulting term Farang?

    Can we refer to you as the slope ant eater?

    Ha ha ha!  Yes, you may call me the slope ant eater, though that is a bit more insulting than Farang.  Believe it or not, I work for a company called Farang Muang Phrae.  It isn't really an insulting term, it can be but then again any term can be insulting.  I certainly don't mean to insult you here by using it.  Sorry if I did.

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