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Posts posted by Billthekiwi

  1. All cars since about 1970 have a BCM "Body Control Module".


    In Australia and NZ after any serious crash this is accessed by the police forensic team. No warrant is required to do this.


    The BCM gives you the data on what the car was doing prior to the crash.


    You can "say" what you like about the speed but the BCM reveals the truth.


    It only contains the latest data and I have no idea how big the buffer might be. It's similar in function to an aircraft black box but without the dedicated recording system.


    If the car had a GPS then a high end model would also record speed, direction, G forces including lateral as in dodging and direction changes. Also braking effort.


    All this could / should have been accessed asap by the police.


    Worst case any skid marks and or time to stop from point of impact all prove speed at the time.

  2. 9 hours ago, luckyluke said:

    Some Thai are indeed ashamed, but the great majority just accept the system. 

    They take advantage of it regularly themselves, in one way or another. 

    I am reminded that I live in a different country and culture and that they don't have to live up or down to my expectations. 


    If we were in a Muslim country and witnessed the stoning of a poor local woman would you expect to have a say? Would you live past it if you did?


    Here in Thailand we have a degree of freedom and can mostly say what we think without fear. I loved that feeling of freedom in Thailand.


    I am a guest here and am thankful for it, yet I know that their ways are not mine.


    I at least can go home if I don't like it or find it hard to match with my Western ways.


    It is us who must adapt to Thailand and not the other way around.

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  3. On 7/17/2020 at 8:59 AM, superatoz said:

    i already got one since i last entered.  so meaning i wont get one  ?  sigh theres no news from the govt too on foreingers . 

    its not a good time to travel now , especially with all the news of people bookig flights but airplanes not taking off .


    Yes Qantas bailed before my flight. Up to 3 months delay in getting my money back.


    Now paying double the original price on another airline. Hope it gets me home.


    My country has no repatriation flights proposed.

  4. Last week I applied for certificates for my Chinese wife and myself at the Bangkok Police Special Branch in building 6.


    I can send you the address if you can't find it but it's close to the Siam BTS station. A pleasant walk.


    I told them that it was for NZ Immigration for visa purposes.


    It seemed enough of a reason. My last expired one stated that it was for the use of the NZ Authorities only.


    My wife had not needed one previously so it was her first here in Thailand. The same procedure for us both though.


    We only needed signed copies of our passport for the process. Front pages and visa page. Originals to view as well of course.


    I did flash my Thai drivers licence as well. The police seem to universally like you doing this.


    We did take our house lease, marriage certificate and anything else that we could think of but it was not requested. If you have it no one asks...


    We had to be finger printed too. I was inked and my wife's fingers scanned.


    Inking only took 1/4 of the time funnily enough.


    I fully recommend being friendly and polite since I've only found helpfulness and success in all my dealings in Thailand.


    It will be sent by post and will take a month but that suited us. 100 baht for the processing and 50 baht for the post. So 150 baht each all up.

  5. 28 minutes ago, riclag said:

    Please ! Racism is in every country,blacks on black murders and injustices that they commit to their brothers and sister in their community.  It  will be till the end of time. So how does one country deal with it and make a difference! 

    Some think, have all black police chiefs, is the answer! Black Politicians in the cities and even as President will surely solve the race issue.

    America has come along way in recognizing that all people <deleted>,pee and bleed the same.


     A few bad apples in  every culture or a profession have always tainted the batch and will exist! To think they could possibly change  whats been happening since the beginning of time is ...



    That man in many ways shows the need for law and order, black or white! 


    Shooting the guy in the back  imop wasn't justified for his actions!

    I would of like to have seen him knock those legs out, similar to what cops do when they shoot out a car's tire when in pursuit! 





    If you had watched the video and saw how the offender discharged the Tazer at the policeman, seeing it pass over the head of the policeman.
    The policeman could have been blinded and/or incapacitated whereby the offender could have come back and taken his firearm. Shot the policeman dead and tried for the partner.

    Me I'd rather see the criminal take the fall. I want my law enforcement to go home safe each night.
    Policemen are not taught to wound when they shoot. It's just too risky and for non-involved people.

    As an example I was a casual shooter for a pest destruction board and one night I was out with a heavy dew on the grass. Taking aim at a running pest I let off a couple of rounds. Missed with both but heard 2 sharp thacks.. What the...?

    300 metres or so in the background was a bamboo hedge. My rounds were skimming off the wet grass and hitting the bamboo. When I looked closer there was a house on the other side. The bamboo saved my bacon and maybe their's too.

    When you fire at running legs the target is small. What happens in the background should someone be out of your sight with a ricochet?
    Perhaps the offender doesn't die but an innocent does. That makes me the policeman feel better about it?

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, wangotango said:

    If you don't like the footpaths in Thailand go back to your perfect footpaths in Europe or America

    but you won't have the easy access to young pussy back there, which is the main reason you are in Thailand.

    Or the main reason you came here years ago and got married.

    Correct me if I'm wrong.

    So speaks someone with a dirty mind. Perhaps it is a Freudian expression of inner motivations?
    Me I came because I liked the people and thought that I could have a good life on my pension. A good base for overseas travel.

    One that didn't involve spending all my life at a bar and taking home one of the bar-girls as often as required.
    I earned a good reputation with the locals where I live and many doors opened to me. I have only been shown friendship and generosity here in Thailand.


    Even being old I never lacked for free pussy in my own country, if I had just looked for that.
    There was plenty for me. 28-30 year old's found me interesting for some reason. My sweet spot in my home country.

    I did get married while I was here but not to a Thai. I wanted a different kind of woman and was not able to find one in Thailand.

    There must be some but I didn't see her here.


    I looked elsewhere and then found her. The one for me.

    We have conversations, argue about politics in our respective countries and love life together. We are equals.


    In fact her mother worried that I was just after the money. I believe that the mother has quite a bit but I'm not bothered to find out. I have enough.
    Kind of ironic when in Thailand really.

    Fact is that I didn't come looking for pussy young or old. Even though I'm not especially handsome or especially rich there always seemed to be plenty of pussy available quite for free, young and old. Some offered because they liked the person that I am.

    One quite beautiful business owner asked me out because she had seen that my morals were good. But I knew that she wasn't my one so we never happened. She still likes me because I treated her with respect and didn't use her.


    I looked instead for the right woman because I'm smarter than some dipsticks that write on here.

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  7. 5 minutes ago, uffe123 said:

    Mr. Floyd was a drug addict and at the time was high on Fentanyl, which is more potent than Heroin. also he was drunk. Altough I dont condone the action that the police office took and this should never have happened. If he hadnt tried to pass a 20.00 countereit bill, none of this would have happened. So who is really at fault here.

    This guy wasnt a saint: In 2009 did 5 yrs assault n robbery with a gun,later offences with violence,caught for passing fake cash on this occasion 

    Yes this may be true but George did not deserve to die.

    Whether it was malice or neglect is for the court to decide.


    These 2 had a personal history so that may have played a part.


    The time for protest was if the court delivered a verdict at odds with the evidence and not before.

  8. 9 minutes ago, snowgard said:

    For sure she must give the money back if it was not hers or comes from a criminal act (love scam, ...). That it was in her bank account not make it her money. Also she can brought to court about money laundering. You can't let use other people your bank account without consequences. And penalties for money laundering are very tough in Thailand.

    Show me a court order?

    Not one?

    Until then it's unproven rumours.


    Almost everyone shares their ATM cards. In every country. It is a fact of modern day life.

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  9. 9 minutes ago, digger70 said:

    If He would've been White there wouldn't  be any Drama, Just Bad luck on the Crims side ,as of Excessive Force  That's Debatable as he was a Crim one can't take Any chances so Force Has to be applied to the crim by the officers to protect themselves.

    I tend to agree with you. However passing a fake $20 doesn't rate as the big time to me.


    Recently I went to a money changing company in my local mall.


    I strongly suspect some of the bills were dodgy but US currency is not my own so I couldn't say for certain.


    But I was not a criminal even if they were.


    I'm more inclined to think personal factors were involved. I think that too much force was used and not enough care taken to prevent consequences for George.


    I think that Chavez is solely to blame myself. Murder? I don't know?


    Manslaughter I can go with because a man died. It doesn't matter that he had a criminal past.


    He should not have been allowed to die.

  10. 10 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

    Disagree Money Laundering is a Laundering is a criminal offence in  thailand , Guy was more than likely running an illegal activity in Singapore such as romance scam and needed to get the money out of Singapore before his account was frozen it's more than likely that the police in Singapore are involved and are in discussions with the Thai police.

    If she is the victim she should file a police report otherwise wait for the thai police to knock on her door

    If it was a criminal proceeding in Singapore then that's where a police investigation takes place.


    The courts there can then make representation to a Thai court for a remedy in Thailand.


    As far as I know no bank anywhere in the world is a member of INTERPOL.


    Banks must have a legal authority to act and not make it up as they go.

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