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Doug Jane

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Posts posted by Doug Jane

  1. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    Anyway, based on my reading of what MIGHT be the offending review, I can better understand why the owner would be pissed off. I'm not condoning or approving any lawsuits over reviews of course, but the thing that struck me as crossing a line was getting into posting unfavorable impressions about the personality/character of the owner in a personal way.

    What about if the owner was a complete and total git, who was disrespectful and insulting in his dealings with his customers, whilst serving crappy food, then abused the customers for complaining about it.?


    of course, not knowing what you read, which might have been the review, it’s hard to know, but if the above holds true, then reviewing the owners or employees would be appropriate


    i would go further, and point out that real companies, who issue surveys for clients to review their service, do in fact seek feedback on their employees, because these same employees, impact either positively or negatively, on the companies business


    if I had employees that were damaging my business reputation (reputation is all), then I would want them working for the competition... 


    that said.... if it can be shown that the reviewer was doing a negative review maliciously (for financial gain vs because he/ she was aggrieved by bad service)... then fine... legal action would be appropriate, I suppose


    unfortunately, with a lack of detail, posters could be excused for assuming the worst, regards someone intent on enacting defamation laws in Thailand.


    bottom line... naming and shaming protects the consumer, in a lot of cases, especially in a land of scams, such as this

  2. 12 hours ago, poanoi said:

    the most dangerous IMO is rubbing powder into the eyes,

    and shooting dirt water into the eyes of motorcyclists.


    i'm very disappointed if these offenses dont take priority over all other suggestions

    The last time I went out on the mc, (during songkran) I had a large bucket of iced water, complete with the expletive ice, hurled at me... nearly died!


    it sure ruined any potential chesticle rubbing due to bruising  

  3. 20 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    Kuala Lumpur - A salesman is pleading for information on his Thai wife who has not been in touch with him for close to a month.

    I wonder if he’s bothered getting on a plane, train or automobile, to come to Thailand to visit the ma and pa-in-law (without baby... that would be stupid)


    if not... greenchairs post would have a bunch of validity... and we have previously seen bad things happen to thai slaves in Malaysia... so... possible imo.

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  4. Why make things hard, other than it’s the thai way?


    this seems more like PR blah blah to me.


    surely there is a register of qualified Thai pilots, somewhere within the disfunctional apparatus that is the Thai government, which would show how many females meet the age and qualification requirements... these can then be approached directly.


    deal done.... easy easy... or is that too simplistic?


  5. 1 minute ago, geriatrickid said:

    Very simple solution. Post the situation to other websites outside of Thailand and let the world react. Such threats are useless against sites such as Trip Adviser as they are hosted outside Thailand.

    Good idea... along with the Andy hall debacle... and hopefully the international transparency group picks up on this kind of shame and reacts accordingly.

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  6. 1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

    The restaurant owner must be an idiot. Pattaya is a small town so it is not going to be difficult for those of us who live here to find out which one it was. 


    42 minutes ago, champers said:

    Perhaps someone could post up a photo?

    An excellent idea.... for those of us who don’t live in patts, but may travel there (what’s that dearest? Not over your dead what? ?) perhaps a photo here captioned “wink wink nod nod”

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