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Posts posted by paulspad

  1. On 3/16/2016 at 6:34 AM, Lex Talionis said:

    I've been living in Phnom Penh for the last three months and can compare it to Bangkok. PP is cheaper in every way except food. Western food that is. If you can eat Khmer then you're golden. But it just can't compare with Thai food. I've been learning to eat it via a KGF who is a good cook. But it's been a long, slow adjustment. It's an acquired taste.

    A trip to a Lucky's or Bayon supermarket for western goods can send you into sticker shock real quick.


    the fact your buying haagan dazs ice cream and you got ripped off by by  150g of cashew nuts that is even more expensive than new zealand its no wonder your bill is high. 


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