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Ty Hareways

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  1. Luxury residence tells me this geezer has probably done ok out of the 'business' but the others nicking bikes and doing runners from hospitals says they were possibly his useful idiots....having said that i do hope they get their lives back on track👍
  2. If flight prices went back to £400-£500 Brits would flood back to Thailand believe me.. We know it's an expensive place to visit if you get 'involved' in the night-life scene but if you add an £800 + flight ticket to it the expense can spiral out of control.
  3. I've actually asked several expats who have 'local' insurance but they say they've not heard of any where a one month 'tourist' can actually buy the same insurance for just one month. Whilst i have 'farang' travel insurance i still don't trust them so would gladly pay a local company for one month....i believe thai companies also pay up front for any treatment needed.
  4. May have been a Romanian wife ....tough cookies a lot of them Eastern European women. *Not read any other links to story so just pure speculation on my part.
  5. Always thought that younger Westerners in Pattaya look out of place, they're more suited to Spain and Greece....maybe they're too much stuck up their own arse and are afraid of being knocked back by Western straightgoer birds in said European party places......leave partying in Pattaya to us oldies please👴🏻👴🏻👴🏻
  6. I always thought these type of things were cut and dried suicides until a fiend of mine once had an epileptic fit and stumbled towards his balcony quite quickly, i'm told he very nearly went over the top.
  7. It's likely this was self defence at first but said self defender didn't know when to stop it being self defence🤷🏻‍♂️....kind of similar to when several thai's are kicking lumps out of one farang,they just don't know when to stop.
  8. Aside from this story, after reading and hearing about UK insurance companies doing everything they can to duck out of paying a single penny of every claim, i'd have thought it would be just better to get thai health insurance for the duration of your holiday instead. i'm told they also pay the hospital up front although i can't confirm that.
  9. Indeed there is but in Thailand the scumbags don't seem to know when to stop.
  10. This is a tough one...one beating and a single bullet to the head is quite an easy one...20 years of bread and water with one hour a day torture and only after that should he get the bullet. A quick death is too easy imo.
  11. Re: Global Troublemakers- surely anyone with even half a brain knows that the worlds biggest troublemakers are America???? Fun Fact: i'm neither pro-Russia nor pro-Ukraine.
  12. The worldwide economy is basket-case material. Western leaders are intent on blaming Putin just to hide their <deleted>-poor handling of 'covid'
  13. The drivers just rubbing it in by getting his dirty feet on the geezers bed also. Lying,vile wretch who's obviously got it in him to kill someone on the road. Shame on him.
  14. This is a fantastic 'business' opportunity for the BiB, they're going to become very rich over the high season i've no doubt.
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